Saturday, March 30, 2013

Baseball season will start soon and all seems right with life.

Baseball season will start soon(on Sunday in Texas,Monday for the rest)and somehow all seems right with the world.It's like the sun also risen and things start anew,hope spring eternal.The youthful sprite within our raggedy souls lives on with baseball.For game is timeless,no time clocks,just nine innings in a diamond that hope never stops,this is why game is sport for writers.Writers like David Halberstam,best know for his book," the Brightest and Best" telling of the story of arrogance the elicit Ivy League, Kennedy men, who got us into Vietnam.But he also" wrote,Summer of 49" about the New York Yankees winning season of 1949 and start of dynasty(the New York Yankees would be the world champions from 1949 to 1953)great book,,wonderful read.Also Richard Ben Cramer wrote two baseball books one about Ted Williams another Joe DiMaggio both for what it's worth(and to me not much)men win Pulitzer Prizes but both are great writers.
The game it's self seems live on forevermore,indeed,generations come and go but game goes on even in today cynical world there is boy's enlightenment in seeing his hero,and oh yes today they are flawed,but still there magic to great accomplishments.And us older folks,who are bin long in tooth,dream our youth were we the fields glory were beckoning us to great deeds only to see these dream vanish with father time,the master of us all.

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