Thursday, March 14, 2013

Best Buy a retrieve from the grave?

Best Buy lately has been a smart buy for it's stock,it lagged a short while ago at 15 now it's up to 22 and strange thing is the takeover action by the former founder fall through yet the stock has risen from the dead.
If you like lost causes today somebody put buy on J.C Penney.My opinion, as long as,Ron Johnson is running the show stay away.
Is Caterpillar under valued? Some believe yes with economy looking up what has hurt Caterpillar is a bad deals in China.
Media companies that provide content  seem to be going through the roof.Although CBS may be benefiting from making its billboard business into REIT,that stock in last year has gone through the roof,but so has Viacom and Disney and News Corp,which is going spin the money losing part it's business ,that is, newspapers(for some reason Warren Buffet seem interested in newspapers,myself I love newspapers to read but as business very questionable).
U.S ten year treasuries seem to stay at 2 percent historically very low,hence,stocks look good fix rate income like C.D's pays nothing government bond notes pay nothing and maybe bubble a head some good if corporate bonds with high yields may look good but if interest go up watch out.

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