Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fox News last bastion of pro-Israeli news.

How ironic it is,that Fox News last bastion of Pro-Israeli.For Jews are for most part Left-wing conformist,sophistical simpletons who do not thin themselves but believe in group think.Fox News, of course, is one few major media outlets that is Right-wing.Yet in America in last twenty years or so the Right has become Pro-Israel and Left now sees Israel as apartheid South Africa,and of course,most media is Left-wing and oddly enough most Jews are Left-wing.
Now it wasn't always the case that media was anti-Israel,indeed,in beginning because Holocaust and the socialist nature of beginning of the State of Israel the media was very Pro-Israel.Oddly enough the only American published which was hostile to Israel before 1967 was U.S News and World report which was owned at the time and control by David Lawrence,who was Jewish but no Left-winger indeed he come from Right(today U,S News and World is owned by Mort Zuckerman who is very much a Zionist ,however the age of magazines having nation influnce is over).But after Six Day War or oil embargo of 1973 media begin change,true enough the America has never been as anti-Israel as rest of world,although I do think when Israel was land of Kibbutz,i.e Socialist,it got good pres in Europe too,don't forget in nineteen fifties French not the Unite States was Israel best friend.But when Jews weren't victims but victories the Left took a hide for only care for victims.Plus the Arab world become real partly because oil but truth is world didn't see as people.

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