Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bloody Kansas

Bloody Kansas or Bleeding Kansas a phase turn by the great newspaper man Horace Greeley.Founder of New York Herald,which would become the New york Herald Tribune,a great paper who's name died an unceremonious death just a or so ago week or so ago when New York Times removed it's last bones and renamed the internal Herald Tribune the New York Times.
Now what so Bloody Kansas all about? It started with ill-conceived law,the Kansas-Nebraska Act long forgotten but it's law that change so much of America.For one thing it lead to end the of political exile for a skinny,high pitch voice,politician lawyer named Abraham Lincoln,the ghost of greatness would not appear for time for this unimpressive looking son of prairie.But Kansas-Nebraska Act beckon Lincoln back to public arena for know it meant the expansion slavery in the West.For Act repeal in sense,the Missouri Compromise which let Missouri in as slave state but created Maine out Massachusetts so states would remain even half free and half slave.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act,a child of Stephen Douglas, would Kansas and Nebraska to come into Union either as free or slave states depending on the will of people.It was called popular Sovereignty,which sounded good,however,the problem was both sides recruited people to settle in those territories.Which lead too much violence,hence,the name bloody kansas,in a sense a mini civil war took place.John Brown made name for himself as the great crusader for abolition,indeed,a bloody who's neck found galleries,however,maybe champion of freedom.

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