Sunday, March 10, 2013

My letter to the editor which shows the sophistry on the Left and Limbaugh's stupidity

Many years ago,on 7/16,07,to me it doesn't seem that long ago,boy does time fly,I got letter to the editor published in my local paper the Record.It was in respond to editorial there had ran called "Separate but not Equal".The Supreme Court had ruled against a case dealing with affirmative action and paper used the sophistry to claim the court was reversing Brown v.Board of Education.The Left loves to claim they are on side angles,they love demonize the Right racist,unfortunately Rush Limbaugh ply right into there hand(as he often does). He also said,the decision was reverse of Brown maybe that day he took too many drugs.
This is what I wrote:"I beg to differ with"Separate,not equal"(Editorial July).I believe the Supreme Court didn't reverse Brown v.Board of Education,but indeed reaffirmed it in its last decision dealing with race and schools.For what did the Supreme Court say in knocking down Louisville's and Seattle's school integration plan? That race shouldn't count where in goes to school.Well,isn't that what the court said in Brown v.Board of Education? Didn't the court state then that it was wrong to bus black children halfway across town away from there homes because of race? It seems to me the goal of our society is to be race-neutral or,in other words,treat people fairly.Don't judge them by their race.That's being race-neutral;that's what the Supreme Court did in its latest decision.

Gary Schwartz
Fort Lee

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