Tuesday, December 29, 2015

President William McKinley and Donald Trump are two different types of Republican, indeed, men.

I been reading Karl Rove's book," The Triumph of Will McKinley" and come across a situation  that shows how difference between Trump and McKinley,who unlike Trump was man of honor. Trump has declared bankruptcy 4 times hurting many people. McKinley when was Governor of Ohio co-sign a friends loan.The friend Robert Walker use the signature to get many loans from banks, he declare bankruptcy,henceforth, McKinley was on hook for $100,000 quite sum in 1880's. McKinley promise to pay all the creditors off, he said he would leave politics go back to law to earn the money. It would bankrupted him. McKinley friends started a trust fund to pay off the bad loans and it was paid off, many donations were small maybe five dollars from somebody served with him in Antietam.
And when McKinley conformed Walker according to Rove's book on page 98" When the Major (McKinley) saw, walker,bedridden and crying in anguish, McKinley comforted him, saying " Have courage, Robert have courage! Everything will come out all right."

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Nixon was right when he said the Vietnam was our (U.S.A) Boer War

Richard Nixon was right when spoke ( I think it was at Oxford) saying Vietnam was our (U.S.A) Boer War.
Some say the Boer War was the beginning of end of rule Britannic. For the Boer War and Vietnam was P.R nightmare,indeed, a the dream glory of nation had cold water to break it up.
The British public thought the War with Boers with be easy but it was anything but and even when look victory for British the Boers went into hills and fight a guerrilla war. In respond British chief of staff Lord Kitchener take a scorch-earth policy that burn farm, put families suspected of collaboration with the Boars in internment camps,including women and children. Inadequate food and sanitation lead to death of many.The British public never quite got over the Boer War and the British the war, but it was pyrrhic victory.
Vietnam proved like with British in the Boar War there are limits to a great power in war and public opinion can turn very quickly against the war, leaving future policy makers with limited options.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The United Steelworkers a ghost of what they use to be.

The other day, I read in the newspaper the United Steelworkers( USW) had come to agreement with Steel companies of America. It went unnoticed, how different it was 1959 when strike by  USW could close the country down. Richard Nixon knew it, and despite being A Republican he medicated a deal that was very much what the Union wanted. For fear a strike in 1960 when running for President, of course, despite Nixon's giving the Union what wanted in the deal, the Union supported JFK for President in 1960.
Many claim the 1959 deal was beginning of end the Steel industry in the U.S.A being the dominate force and in long ran it hurt Union. Has Steel industry decline and so important on the economy wasn't so much the power of Union to cause upheaval in American economy was gone. One proof of that is people knew the name David McDonald and I.W Abel as President of the USW does anyone know name of present President of Union? It's Leo Gerard. It shows the by gone era of heavy industrial.  

Monday, December 21, 2015

Was Jesus Christ a moralistic socialist?

Was Jesus Christ a moralistic socialist? Well, Jesus believe in Jewish law, which was strict moral code, however, he also kick out the money lenders from temple, henceforth, was he a socialist too! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Why do we have Universites anymore?

We live in world where young want to be protect against life. And in U.S we see in our Universities for instant , like Yale students believe it shouldn't be a place of learning but rather safe place. If universities aren't going to be a place of learning why have them?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

There was a Rosa Parks before Rosa Parks.

There was a Rosa Parks before Rosa Parks, her name was Elizabeth Jennings,who as faded away in the cobwebs of history.
In different era, public Transition was segregated not only in the South, but even in places like New York City. Elizabeth Jennings would have none of it, Ms Jennings was an African American school teacher, who on Sunday 7/16/1850 going to church hailed the first street car she that come along, the conductor refused to admit her, but Jennings say she right to ride the car. A fight purse much anger in the African American community. The Black Legal Rights Association, took up the cause and hirer the prestige Law Firm of Culver, Parker, who assigned the case to a very inexperience lawyer,named Chester Arthur, who later would become the President of United States.
Well to everyones surprise Arhur won the case on 2/22/1855 and Jennings won $250 in damages.
This case marked the beginning of end of segregation in city's transportion system. Hencforth, we should never forget the brave woman who took on the system and won her fight for civil rights a hundred years before Rosa Parks. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Exxon and Chevron maybe better position to gut out lowwer oil prices.

Exxon and Chevron maybe better position to gut out lower oil prices then people think. Why? First of all, both Exxon and Chevron have kept both ends of the business( Upstream and Downstream) Conoco Phillips and Marathon oil spin-off there downstream business a big mistake. While big money is to make in upstream operations if price of oil is high Upstream is exporation and production and it is profitable part of oil business, however, low oil prices make actually boost the bottom line for downstream  operations since they are buyers of crude so margins can be higher with lower crude prices, henceforth, more profit so companies like Exxon and Chevron although making less money on upstream will make more drownstream not enough to made the difference with lose in upstream but does help. Also Exxon and Chevron are big petro-chemicals here too a lower crude price would good for the bottom line.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Donald Trump how can we fight ISIS without the support of Muslims?

Donald Trump how can we fight ISIS and win without support from Muslims?  We need countries like Egypt ( President al-Sisi is pro-western although not much support from Obama) Jordan (the Hashemite are very pro-western and we Muslims in own efforts to fight ISIS.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Keurig Green Mountain stock went though the roof today

Keurig  Green Mountain stock went though the roof today: on Friday the stock closed at 51 ,today it's up to 89 a buyer from Europe has offer tender offer of 92 dollars.
This company has a most interesting history: it started by guy who made a forture with paper used for rolling up pot. He was skier so started company in Vermont at first the name was Green Mountain coffee.The founder of company run into trouble with government he left company. In meantime investor David Einhorn started shorting the stock and implied that company would be out business soon the stock was down to 18 dollar but rosed to over 100 then drop to I think 40 or 45 something like and European     private firm is now offering 92 dollars a share.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published today (12/3/15) in the Record about Woodrow Wilson's legacy.

Got a letter to the editor published today (12/3/15) in the Record( the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) about Woodrow Wilson legacy which has been under attack lately.
This is what appear in the paper:" Monday morning quarterbacking about Woodrow Wilson legacy is ridiculous. Yes, by today's standard, his beliefs were outrageous. But in his day, and for a native Southerner, they were par for the course.
For the record, Wilson also protested against California legislation excluding aliens( it was aimed at the Japanese) from land ownership in 1913.
Also, Wilson in his Fourteen Points wanted to give minorities the right to determine their own fate. His proposals included an opportunity of autonomous development for the people of Austria-Hungary and self-determination for people under Turkish rule.
Wilson legacy still affects the United States though the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act.
Woodrow Wilson was larger than life.
He wasn't a perfect person, but who among us is? " 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What's the story with Eli Lilly?

Today Eli Lilly stock went up 4 percent, but a few weeks ago, maybe a month, the stock drop about ten dollar it low of 77 in Oct. now it's about 85. what's up with that? Drug company stock did well today yet people beat on them for high prices politically you think maybe laws would passed controlling there prices.
Heard Dive Bove on CNBS said the government is benefiting from low interest because banks to make the reserves requirement are buying government bonds instead of making loans to private sector  and this is hurting the economy.Velocity of money isn't happen dollars aren't being down over the FED can give all money away it want but if dollars aren't being turn over cheap money doesn't work.

Monday, November 30, 2015

The dilemma the Syrian refugee crises is causing.

When compassion strike against people's safety   you have a dilemma. And that is what we have  the Syrian refugee crises. True enough this issue is being demagogue by the like of Ted Cruz and even nice Mike Huckbee. After all, Obama just wants 10,000 Syrian refugees to settle in America, out population of more them 300 hundred million. But only take one member of ISIS with a dirty bombe to cause much havoc.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Where have all the Consevatives gone in the U.S?

After seeing this summer of discontent, I wonder what is a conservative? I always believe conservatism was rooted in the philosophy of Edmund Burke, where institution like courts are respected because they are a key to civilized society.
But many who say they are conservative mock our courts, government it's self Wall Street and in doing so attacking capitalism, and even attacking follow Republicans, the leadership in because they don't want to drink the kool aid.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Who is father of the Israeli military?

Who is father of the Israeli military? Believe or not, a non-Jewish British office named Orde Wingate. Wingate organize Kibbutzs into defence posts to defend against Arab insurgents. He also organizes the Special Night Squad a forerunner of counter-insurgency.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Is Francois Hollande another Guy Mollet?

Is Francois Hollande another Guy Mollet? People are surprise that Socialist like Hollande is taking hard line on ISIS. But another Socialist politician Guy Mollet who Prime Minster in Forth Republic, wher Prime Minster was the boss took a line against Nasser nationaling the Suez canal.He hope to save Algeria for the French. It didn't ruin Mollet career Algeria would gain it's independence under De Gaulle for he was Frenchman that could pull it off. The military had fit almost a coup the end of Forth Republic and De Gaulle created the fifth Republican the President was no longer a figure head he had the power.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

I got a letter to the editor pubished in New York Daily News on 11/21/15

I got a letter to the Editor published in the New York Daily News on 11/21/15. It was about Syrian refugee crisis. This is what appeared in the paper:" Are the Syrians the new Jews? The demagoguing of the Syrian refugee crisis, mostly by Republican candidates for President, is reminiscent on how the State Department under Franklin Roosevelt handled Jewish immigration from Europe. Limits led to the death of many Jews. And there's no doubt that with a stop to Syrian immigration, many Syrians will die. Shame on us for being led astray on trails of bigotry."

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mr. Law and Order R.I.P (Fred Thompson)

Mr. Law and Order R.I.P (Fred Thompson) died a few weeks ago.
Mr. Law and Order is dead, so emblematic of our times. For clarion call of the 1960's and 1970's was Law and Order. Of the sophisticated simpletons mock the clarion calls for law and order, but people knew better, henceforth, in the 1980's society push forward ideas to stop crime.And it work made us safer but might work too well today we are turning bad the clock to bad out days of 1960's.
Ferd Thompson of course had magic life,first being minority council in Watergate hearing then distinguish acting career and of course he was a U>s Senate the best job in the world.

Paris is burning.

Paris is burning, but will anyone put out the fire? And when the smoke clears will anyone care? For we play this game of outrage demanding our pols take action and when they do,especially if there not part of the Left-wing cabal of nonsense, within a year or so we damend they be arrest while the terrorists are laughing at us.
We do not understand who we are fighting against for Muslim brutes of terrorism are in some ways worst then Nazi or Communism for Muslim terrorist do not fear death. The only way to defeat these animals is a no bars war, if you will, a nasty war where we throw out the rules of civilization, for if we don't it will be end of Western Civilization.  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thoughts on the passing of Veterans Day.

Veterans Day has come and gone(today is 11/15/15 and Veterans Day is on Nov. 11 the day in 1918 World war Ended) and have feeling of sadness. For only does one think of young men who give the ultimate sacrifice for our nation( the U.S.A) so we can live free. But I also have a personal reason for sadness, ten years ago I lost my father, he was born on 11/11/1918 and like so any of his generation he serve in World War Two in the Army. So ironic he was born on the day the war to end all wars was bring to a end, yet only twenty years later the world again explored into conflict.Will we ever lean or is human beast so wired that conflict is inevitable. 

Why are retail satock crashing?

Retail stocks like Wal-Mart, Macys, Nordstrom and Kohl's have been dropping like rock. Why? Is it competition from the internet, or harbinger of bad economic times to come? For consumer spending accounts for two-third of the American economy and last it only rose less then 1 percent of 1 percent, now low gas price account for that, but remember when gas price begin to fall so many people said it was like tax cut, henceforth, people would begin to spend.It hasn't happen so what are people doing with money? Not saving maybe paying down debt? Wal-Mart once and maybe still is a bellweather for American Economy.
Wibur Ross, the great distressed investor said to protect one's self for rasing interests buy bank stock. I didn't understand why he said nothing about margins being higher with high interest. It's all about margin for profit, a bank with higher interest will charge more but if there have pay more for there money maybe less profit to be made.
This morning saw interview with Sarah Palin on CBs this morning and was a favorable piece.   

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The dye was casted for future troubles in Mid-East with collapse of the Ottoman Empire

There is much misinformation about Mid-East, the U.S role in that area, and what cause 9/11. Now social media, Google plus I seem post state Iran-Contra was cause 9/11 another stating U.S meddling in area for last fifty. All this is nonsense,the modern Mid-East really started after WW1 when the Ottoman Empire went bye-bye and somebody had pick up pieces.And would be the British and French.
There were two documents that would change the region forevermore: one Balfour Declaration( promising a homeland for the Jews) the second was Sykes-Picot Agreement. In Georgina Howell book," Gertrude Bell queen of the Desert, shaper of nations" page 307 it states," Now too Arabs had learnt of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 which parceled up the Middle East between Briton, France and Russian! The Sykes-Picot was betray of Arabs who Brit had promise an Arab independent State if fought  the Ottoman's.
Faisal ibn Hussain had fought beside T.E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) for Arab freedom and had giving up his father's claim to be king Palestine( indeed, he supported the Balfour Declaration as did Lawrence but not Gertrude Bell) for exchange to king of greater Arab state called Greater Syria. Faisel was king of greater Syria for a year then French step in and took over, I think as a consolation prize Faisal was made king of Iraq, a country largely created by Gertrude Bell. Faisal bother Abdullah was made king of another new country Transjordan.
Lawrence never forgive the French for betray of the Greater Syria not going to Arabs.
The Balfour Declaration was a debt paid to Chaim Weizman who was British citizen, a chemist who invented an explosive which help the British greater in WW1 but Weizman  refused payment instead he asked the government to support a homeland for Jews. Curiously in British cabinet only person to vote against the Balfour Declaration was Edwin Montagu who was the only Jew in the cabinet.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Got a letter published in the New York Post today on the Republican debate on CNBC.

Got a letter to the editor published in New York Post today( 10/30/15) on the Republican debate on CNBC. This is what appear in the:" The lame-stream media was really on display the debate.
 The big loser in Wednesday night's Republican debate was the panel of three moderators.
  Not only were they bias and unprofessional, they also lost control of the debate like I've never seen before.
   All and all, the debate was a food fight not between the candidates, but rather, between the candidates and three moderators. Maybe next time, adults will be the moderators."
These are words of my edited out of letter: As the Sun raises so did the Cubans (Maro Rubio and Ted Cruz) and Jersey Boy (Chris Christie).
Jeb Bush try to bush-whack Rubio but it backfired. Uncle Ben (Carson) was OK and the dump Trump movement didn't gain ground but didn't lose ground either.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Are we edging toward war?

The world maybe edging to war, if the Chinese building islands in the South China Sea claiming waters,hence, putting block on free sea lanes could lead to war.
And Syria where Russian fly boys could shoot down an American plane such things lead to war.Many of war starts by accident remember World War One!

Friday, October 23, 2015

When I went to Donald Trump's parents home.

In the 1970' I went to home of Donald Trump's parent. It was in Jamaica Estate and struck me was the house of outside didn't look that big, but inside it was huge. and ironic that is, the egocentric Donald Trump who is very big in outside and little small on inside.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Got a letter to the Editor published in the Record on 10/19/15 on Ben Carson,guns and the Holocaust.

Got a letter to the Editor published in the Record( the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) on 10/19/15 on a reply to piece by Alfred Doblin, "Ben Carson spews dangerous rhetoric about the Holocaust" publish on 12/10/15.
This is what I wrote:" Ben Carson is like Richard Wagner's music: it's not as bad as it sounds. Carson, not being a polished politician, may not give good sound bites. However, if one listens to him for any length of time, one is impressed with his intelligence.
I think Editorial Page Editor Alfred P. Doblin got two thing wrong in his column. One, undoubtedly, is that if Jews has guns, many in Nazi Germany would have been saved. One cannot help but think that if the Jews had been better armed during the Warsaw ghetto uprising, it might have succeeded.
Second, Doblin is wrong about the Founding Fathers.
They believed the right to bear arms was a way the people could protect themselves from tyrannical government."    

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is GE a buy?

GE stock has been moving up since it came out that Nelson Peltz has buying shares.GE earning report just came out a day or so ago, and profits are up.Leaving the financial business which use to be a real cash cow before the financial meltdown now industrial part business that growing. Question is how safe is dividend?    

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wal-mart stock drop six dollars today and in U.K no inflation maybe sign of economy downturn.

Wal-Mart (which many believe to be bellweather of the economy) drop six to 60 in market today. In U.K prices are dropping maybe a sign of downturn in the economy. E.I Lilly drop a lot yesterday because a drug didn't do well, but it's my understanding they have good pipeline for new drugs.
Didn't watch much of Democratic debate last night but what I saw Bernie Sanders stuck me as Howard Beale( the newsman in the movie Network, who famous line was I'm mad as hell and not going to take anymore) Hillary I felt was going to break out in song as sing," I am Woman" the rest are players without a chance. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ralph Nader house of horrors.

Only Ralph Nader would celebrate toturous acts. Indeed, his museum of torts, could have easily been created by a grotesque mind of Edgar Allan Poe.
For our cesspool of never ending lawsuits , maybe good for lawyers (that unholy group of people dedicated to making our lives miserable) but for rest of us it's downer.
I worked for Bar Assn.( oh no not that type of bar, however, working with lawyers can drive one to that type of bar) and felt I was living in a Dickens novel with endless rules and paper work and nothing get resolved.

The hypocrisy of the Global Citizen Festival.

Ding-dong we see the march of the phonies with the Global Citizen Festival. Oh yes, its nice to see lovely Beyoncé strut her stuff, but what does that have to do with ending world poverty? Nothing! indeed,many things there advocate will make would make world poverty worse! For example, I am sure there hate a company like Monsanto, yet companies like Monsanto will make the food supply more plentiful, hence, lowing the cost of food and it's the poor that will benefit the most from lower food prices.
Then there is global warming, lets say there are right about Global Warming, scientists who believe in Global Warming( and not all do) tell us even if governments stick to ther promises to reduce carbon emission that would only reduce the temperature   two degrees,however, electric bills would raise far more than that and who will pay for higher electric bill? The poor will pay the piper. People like Beyoncé, Hugh Jackman, Stephen Colbert can afford to pay higher electric bills but the rest of us will be left to sweat. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Is Paul Ryan the next Gerald Ford?

Is Paul Ryan the Gerald Ford? Here's the similarity, when Spiro Agnew( remember him?) had to resign from being Vice-President the only person Nixon could get through Congress to be Vice-President was Gerald Ford, because everybody like him.Now it seems the only person who Republican can get behind for Speaker is Paul Ryan because people like him.However, if Ryan is like Ford,can work with the other side, people like Rush Limbaugh will have him for lunch.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Is Anthony Eden a forgot great man?

History can be cruel, take Anthony Eden next to Churchill he warn of danger of growing power of Nazi Germany and he was right, but Prime Minster he got involved in Suez crisis  and didn't end well he had to resign and most historians say Eden was one worst P.M in modern history, but wonder looking at mess in Mid-East if Eden wasn't right about Suez.

Is the beer war driving one to drink? And is U.S Steel a steal?

Is the beer war driving one to drink? AB IN Bev wants to takeover MillerCoor. But no go MillerCoor doesn't want the deal.

Is U.S Steel a steal at 12? This stock was over 100 at one time like they deal to takeover Lone Star Steel because Lone Star a railway spur that lead to Mexico.And nonsense of Trump of side Mexico offer good business for U.S Companies.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Is Bernie Sanders the anti JFK?

Is Bernie Sanders the anti JFK? For President John F. Kennedy world view and sense of nation is mile apart from Sanders. For Kennedy in he's inaugural speech said," ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU- ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY."
Sanders view of nation is got more government,indeed, ask what your country can do for you.
Also Kennedy's world view was stated in the same inaugural speech these are the words"WE SHALL PAY ANY PRICE, BEAR ANY BURDEN, MEET ANY HARDSHIP, SUPPORT ANY FRIEND, OPPOSE ANY FOE TO ASSURE THE SURVIVAL AND SUCCESS OF LIBERTY."

Monday, October 5, 2015

A letter to the Editor I got published in the Record about Yogi Berra R.I.P

On 10/2/15 I got a Letter to the Editor published in the Record (the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) on Yogi Berra R.I.P.
This is what appeared in the paper: If we can put time in a bottle, Yogi Berra's life should be in it. For it was a remarkable life. Indeed, the catcher from the Bronx is more relevant then the "Catcher in the Rye."
For Yogi showed us the way." If one looked at him, he didn't appear to be the great athlete he was, short and stubby and awkward-looking , yet one baseball's great hitters and under tutelage of Dill Dickey, Yogi became a great catcher. For rhyme and fun Yogi was more then a bear, he was a man that touched our souls and he will be part of Americana forevermore."  

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Bye-bye Export-Import Bank bye-bye American jobs.

Bye-bye Export-Import Bank bye-bye American jobs. Both Left and Right wanted to end the Export-Import Bank and got way now big business like GE are creating overseas  that once was meant for American.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Got a letter to the Editor published today in the New York Post on Pope Francis

Got a letter to the editor published today (9/26/15) in the New York Post on Pope Francis. This is what appear in the paper: Many Catholics on the right might see Pope Francis as an apostate. And even though I'm not a Catholic, or even a Christian for that matter, I feel I'm a fish in uncharted waters. That said, two out of three liberal positions Francis  has taken are consistently within Catholic dogma.
Yes, Francis should cool it with global warming , but on income inequality and immigration the Pope's positions are in line with Catholic values."

Friday, September 25, 2015

The ghost of Charles Halleck lives on

The ghost of Charles Halleck lives on. Who was Charles Halleck? A congressman from Indian become part Republican leadership in the House was majority leader in 1953 to 1955 then become minority leader from 1955 to 1965. In 1965 after getting wipe by Johnson-Goldwater presidential election of 1964 there was coup by Gerald Ford,Melvin Laird and Charles Goodell. Hallack was sack as minority leader and replaced by Gerald Ford.
I's interesting leadership for House Republicans oftens lead to coups:Hallack in 1965,Gingrich lost his speakership over a coup and now John Boehner.Now for President usually the next line gets the nomination, not true for 2016, but in 2012 Romney finished twice in 2008 so go it in 2012,McCain second in 2000 gets in 2008, Dole ran much for President second in 1988 gets in 1996,Bush of course Reagan Vice-President and ran second in 1980,Reagan ran second 1976 and gets in 1980 and goes on and on.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Got a letter to the editor publish on 9/21/15 about whether or not Reagan would welcome today's G.O.P

On 9/21/15 got letter to the editor published in the Record( the largest paper in Northern New Jersey)
in respond to a piece,"Room for Reagan in this race? written by Record Columnist Charles Stile.
This is what appeared in the paper:" Kudos to Record Columnist Charles Stile, for the ghost of Ronald Reagan cries out to his party to reach out to the new America and win elections.
Reagan put a human face on conservatism.With the disgrace of the bellicose Republican senator from Wisconsin Joseph McCarthy and with conservatism opposition to civil rights in the form of U.S Sen. Barry Goldwater conservatism was almost dead in the water.
But it rose again like a phoenix because of new ideas from people like Milton Friedman and an attractive, upbeat man like Reagan.
I don't think there would be room for Reagan in today's Republican Party. Those on far right seem to dominate all political discourse on the Republican side.
Just compare Donald Trump's grotesque words about Mexico with Reagan's response to a question about why there were not more Hispanic Republicans. His response was that there are, but they just don't know it yet.  

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Believe or not, the man behind the New Deal economics was a Republican.

Believe or not, the man behind the New Deal economics was a Republican. Marriner Eccles who was chairman FED from 1934 to 1945,fired by Harry Truman but stay on until his term as FED governor expired in 1948. Eccles was not only Republican, but come from in richest families in West( I believe his family still owns Zion Bank) and also he was Mormon.He believe deceit spending, more spending on walfare, and taxing the rich.
I think in 1954 he try to become the Senator from Utah, however, because he was tried to F.D.R the G.O.P denied him the nomination.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Who was Edward Coke?

Who was Edward Coke? Well, he wasn't coke head, rather,in a sense, a defender of Liberty.He was judge in England in 1600's who really come up with idea of judicial review to defend people against the crown and church.Now in the U.S the doctrine of judicial review was establish by Chief Justice John Marshall in Mayberry v. Madison.
Now an independent Judiciary is key to free society because it protects one from State and it's were unpopular people and cause can find justice. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bernie does Liberty.

Bernard Sanders today(ironically on first day of Rosh Hashanah) spoke at Liberty Univ. at Lynchburg, Va. ( the school started by Jerry Falwell and now his son Jerry Falwell Jr is the President). Kudos to both of them Falwell and Sanders. Class is rare in politics. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A letter to the editor I got published in New Yo0rk Post on 9/12/15 on James Blake treatment by a cop.

Yesterday( not a day of infamy) I got a letter publish in the New York Post about James Blake outrageous treatment form cop.This is what appear in the paper: " Are brains in short supply in the New York Police Department? Why was James Blake put to ground in handcuffs?
If police thought he committed a crime, why not pull him aside and ask him questions?
Thugs shouldn't be on a police force."

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Walls can not hold people back seeking freedom and better life

Will a wall between the U.S and Mexico, kept Mexicians out of the U.S? Did the Berlin Wall kept East Germanys from going West? You see, unless you are blind people seeking freedom will risk there lives for liberty, wall or no wall.
And yes, we should pass Kate's Law and make English the official language of the U.S,however, if we built a wall between us and Mexico then we should tear down the Statue of Liberty., and become a nation of know nothings.
For the know nothings believe the half truth of Trump, that Mexico make a lot money from us,this is true,however, the flip side of the coin is we make a lot money from Mexico,indeed, the only country that we sell more goods and services is Canada.
So why do the know nothing take such hostile view of Mexico? It comes down to one ugly word racism! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sean Hannity two faced dealing with Jews.

Sean Hannity two faced dealing with Jews. Yes, Hannity is very Pro-Israel, however, in beginning the Obama Administration Hannity lied about the relationship Between Obama and Martin Feldstein(who was Ronald Reagan's chief economist) stated that Martin Feldstein was broad of director for AIG (the insurance company  that bailout by the government) which was true, however, he went to say Feldstein and Obama were buddies which was a lie. First of all they never meet privately and public setting Feldstein publicly embarrass Obama over Obama's plan to reduce the Charitable contribution deduction.
One wonders if Hannity told the lie because Feldstein is very Jewish name and he trying to appeal to anti-semtics.
But Hannity was in Israel at a kibbutz,he said a kibbutz was sort a village, a little dishonest a Kibbutz is a collective farm.    

Friday, September 4, 2015

Is Obama a phony for going to Alaska to promote globe warming while oking oil drilling in Attic?

Is Obama a phony for going to Alaska to promote warming while ok the oil drilling by Shell in Attic? Yes I know misspelled some thing forgive I have dyslexia. But politics in U.S has taken so strange turns if Sander the Socialist running well, and Trump god knows what is running ahead of pack but Carson( Ben not Johnny) is gaining and think might over take Trump in Iowa. Can't see farmer who from 6 to 6 support a New York sharpy Businessman. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Does anybody know what happen today Sept. the third on world history?

Does anybody know what happen to today(Sept the Third) in world history? It was start of World War Two, Germany invaded Poland from the West, the Soviet Union invaded Poland from East. The Munich Agreement proved to be a big mistake and wonders does the Iran deal echo the Munich Agreement. Is Obama our Neville Chamberlain?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Trump dumps Duke.

Donald Trump loud mouth that he is understands the odor of David Duke. Duke who a man looking for White uprising has been for part a man out of picture in politics. But Trump and racist remarks deal with Mexico he sees light at the end of tunnel for racist views. Trump who is fly high in the polls
is a combination Don Rickles and Huey Long. Of course, was man most feared by F.D.R and 1936 he was going ran for President on Third Party, but he was assassinated in 1935. Some thought F.D.R was behind the assassination However, F.D.R main accuser was clergyman named Smith, who was nut, a Nazi, Long's best friend although Long didn't show any signs of being bigot, no his thing was class warfare, his program was share the wealth, limiting how much money one could have, when ask where did get about of sharing the wealth was it from Karl Marx, Long said no it from the Bible.
Much Louisiana was brought off by F.D.R in second Louisiana purchase.   

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What the NAZI who support Trump going to do when found out Trump's daughter is Jewish.

A lot of Donald Trump's support is coming from NAZI, White Supremacist. I mean, it's all so surreal but Trump a New York City businessman has become darling of know nothings. He hero of bigots and people who feel time has left them by. No answer has he, just B.S  that the unwashed love. It's the ego that drives  the heresy that Trump has done to conservative movement, but one wonders if the NAZI who support are going to do when, or if, they find out Trump's daughter is Jewish? 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Through Donald Trump we are seeing the re-birth of the Know Nothing movement

Though Donald Trump we are seeing the re-birth of the Know Nothing movement.
Since American History isn't really taught in schools anymore, I should explain what the Know Nothing Party was: in 1840's many eastern cities like New York saw a massive influx of immigrants, mostly Irish Catholics, and while Democratic Party, for most part, welcome these immigrants, a good deal of population feared and resented these immigrants, hence, secret societies were formed to promote nativism. It got the name know nothing because when people asked who were they members, the respond was they know nothing.
Well the secret societies come out of the wood work to form the American Party. There main platform was only native Americans ( and they didn't mean Indians) should hold office and there should be a 25 year residency requirement for coming a citizen.
At first the party took off like wild fire, in 1854 it almost capture New York and win in Massachuetts and Delaware and it look like they would pick up the pieces from the dissolving Whig Party, however, what destroyed the Whig Party ironically would do the same to the American Party too! And that was slavery!
In 1855 a Southern faction seized control of the American Party and a resolution passed calling, for maintenance of slavery. Well, this just undid the American Party, for it was made up of many anti-slave men, who left the Party and join the newly formed Republican Party. Despite running a former President Millard Fillmore in 1856, the party ran a poor third and in reality it was the beginning of end of the American Party.       

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Donard Trump's appeal is racist

Now Donald Trump is echoing voices from long ago, and while his bellicose, visceral war cries , hit sour note with most people, the know nothing crowd of talk radio land cheer him on.
It's dishearting, I mean the talk massive deportion echo what happen in Germany in the 1930's. For Trump and his mindless know nothing supports aren't conservative, no they are populists that has the odor of National Socialism!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Donald Trump is no conservative,indeed, he making a fool the right.

Excellent piece on Donald Trump in the American Interest by Walter Russell Mead. It tells like it is(that famous word from Clinton) that Trump is playing the populist card, he is no Conservative! The Right-wing nut jobs on talk radio care little about Conservatism the only thing they care is ratings. They lie and lie change position to keep the crowd of know nothing happy. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Trump Megyn Kelly maybe a slut, but she's no bimbo. Donald your just a crybaby.

Donald Trump Megyn Kelly maybe a slut, but she's no bimbo. She like you Donald she like good T.V and while she dresses kind trampy, which being a dirty old man I love, and alluring presents also makes for good T.V. And Donald don't be such crybaby, I mean Ms. Megyn a few weeks ago, had Jeb Bush looking for answer to her question about knowing what you know now would support going to war in Iraq. Bush didn't go on about how unfair Megyn Kelly was no he was a man and try to fix the damage.
Donald if can't handle Megyn Kelly how can you handle Putin? If you can't handle the heat Donald stay out the kitchen. Donald Trump is nothing but spoil brat.   

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Is Donald Trump the Bruce Jenner of the Republican Party?

Is Donald Trump the Bruce Jenner? I mean, Trump the rump has change position on issues the way Jenner has change sex. Trump is pro-choice, or he has been, for single payer insurance for the country, or he has been, tax wealth or he has been. And hope after tonight he will be a has been. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tom Brady should said he give his phone number to Donald Trump and that is why he destooyed his cell phone.

If Tom Brady had a brain( and maybe he should the Wizard Oz to get a brain, but course he get degree instead) he would have change his story about destroying his cell phone. I mean, the excuse he give that he destroyed his cell phone every time  he gets a new one, is sort of like the excuse we did as kids when we didn't do our homework, saying the dog eat it. No instead Brady should have said he give his phone number to Donald Trump and that is why he destroyed his cell phone.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Our first Ambassador to India was Henry F. Grady, he was also our man in Greece during the beganing of the Cold War.

Thought out history there are man who mark great on this earth but over time are quickly forgotten. Such is case of Henry F. Grady. Mr. Grady started off his public career as aid to Herbert Hoover, when Hoover Sec. of Commerce from 1921-1928 and in 1928, of course, Hoover was elected President.
In 1945 President Truman appointed Grady to be his personal rep. to Allied Commission superving the Greek election. Now this might surprise people but maybe Grady was appointed because of good words from Hoover. Truman and Hoover where good friends. Of course, the Cold War started in Greece and Iran. So Truman must have had a regard for Grady. For also appointed him to be our first Ambassador to India in 1947 which he was until 1948 when he become our Ambassador to Greece which he was until 1950, when he become our Ambassador to Iran until 1951.
Also in 7/1946 he come up with a plan along with British Foreign Minster Morrison for Palestine. The plan was called, "The Morrison Grady Plan" it called for Federalization under a British Trusteeship, the plan was rejected both by the Jews and Arabs.   

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published today in NY Post on Donald Trump.

Got a letter to the editor published today (7/25/ 15) in New York Post on Donald Trump. This is what appeared in the newspaper today: " The creature has come out of the dark lagoon, and his name is Donald Trump.
Indeed, his infamy will be forevermore. For the hairy Donald played the part of ugly American by insulting our neighbors to the south.
If not for the John McCains of the world, The Donald would not be the successful capitalist he thinks he is. If he had a brain he'd know that.
And one wonders how long Trump would have survived in a North Vietnam prison camp before ratting out his fellow soldiers.
I think he would last two days at best."

Sunday, July 19, 2015

John Wayne would not support Donald Trump for President.

A lot these bomb throws on talk radio who think( that is if they ever do) Donald Trump outrages comments of Mexico were just fine dandy no doubt loved John Wayne. But John Wayne loved Mexico, yes he was great American hero who love United States of America, but after Carter began President Wayne was so disgusted he thought of giving up his America citizenship and becoming a citizen of Mexico. Wayne was fluent in Spanish and was really into the culture in Mexico.    

Thursday, July 16, 2015

George W. Bush might not have brains,but he had more guts then Ted Cruz or many Right-wing blow hearts running for President.

George W. Bush might not have brains, but he had more guts then Ted Cruz or many of the other Right-Wing blow hearts that running for President. and we a President with guts today, a man or women not afraid to say they will put boots on ground and indeed do it for the only way wipe ISIS out is with American boots on ground.
I hear Cruz on T.V talk show, he's phony talks out both sides of he's mouth. He attacks Obama for being a weak leader but sound like him, no boots on ground for him air power is way to go, yeah afraid of public opinion turning against you. That's not leadership unwilling to unpopular stands for good of nation. Leadership is often lonely and takes guts, of course, the great example of that was Winston Churchill, for he saw evil and going against public opinion to fight evil. Remember what the great British Statesmen Edmund Burke said," all that takes evil to triumph is for good to do nothing."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Is Professor Joseph J. Ellis an idiot?

I was watching T.V this morning, and on I think c-span Professor Joseph J. Ellis shown an incredible lack history , when he said Citizen v. United was second worst decision in U.S history, Dred Scott being the worst. Citizen v. United the second worst, give my break, it might bad decision, but second worst in America History. The Left has cow over Citizen v. United but in reality it's much to do about nothing and the Left with holly fight against money politics, and even corporate money, is full of holes. Obama refused public financing twice, Hillary doesn't have problem rising  money and God knows where it comes from.
Professor Ellis decried originalists ,like  Scalia , that judges should only use case law(stare decisis), precedent and he went on say he doesn't think Brown v. Board of Education would be revised by the originalists .But they is problem in what said, for if the court used stare decisis  (case law) in Brown v. Board of Education the Board of Education would have won, because of Plessy v. Ferguson,which the last case before Brown on segregation which upheld segregation.
I mean, this guy Ellis was so full of himself and full of it yet he's well respected  professor of American History yes a lot abut schools and ain't good.        

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Which greatest threat to economy stabilty Greece, Puerto Rico or Chinese stock market?

The world seems on edge, economy growth is no where to found. Easy money, low interest have made asset values go up, but real economy growth is no where to found. The policy makers are clueless but true is man can not control an economy, if they could the Soviet Union would be in business today. The economy does what wants no matter what policy makers do. Greece is produce of this believe that man can deal with economy and magic can founded to solve economics, which mean unlimited wants, but limited resources something the Greek people do not understand for believe in entitlement society and it's belief in a entitlement society that will put end to Western Civilization, henceforth, even though Greece has very small economy it poses a far greater threat to economy stability than Puerto Rico( although the entitlement society has also  brought Puerto Rico to it's knees) or Chinese stock market.   

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published in the NY Post on 7/8/15, on Hillary and the non-Jewish Left on Israel.

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on 7/8/15, on Hillary Clinton and the non-Jewish Left on Israel.
This is what appeared in the paper: "Hillary Clinton isn't the only lefty who is two-faced on Israel.
 Indeed, most of the non-Jewish left believes Israel is apartheid South Africa. However, to their Jewish acolytes they're mum on the subject. And the acolytes take silence as golden.
  Clinton and Bernie Sanders will play their make-believe game of supporting Israel, but it doesn't matter to the majority of Jews because of their mindless loyalty to the left."

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The founder( Adolph Och) of today's owner of the New York Times had Confederate sympathies.

A story in the New York Post, on 6/26/2015 page 10 with the headline 'South of Times Sq. is about a tiny Confederate flags in a New York subway station. A tile mosaic to honor Adolph Och, who owned the New York Time from 1896 to 1935 when he died, his family still owns the Times. It was installed 90 years ago, Och was from Tennessee in newspaper business, don't know if know Henry
Waterman legendary newspaperman  from Kentucky, who actually was in the Confederate army. Anyway Och found out  the New York Times was bankrupt and could be had for cheap price Somehow he come up with 75,000 dollar and brought the New York Times in 1896. Now people think f New York Times as Jewish newspaper, Och was indeed an Orthodox Jew, but he was very much Southern, indeed, he was buried with a Confederate flag, and also very proud of his German roots, indeed, in World War One when many change there names to Anglo ones from Germany names Och did not, despite the fact some in his family change to Oaks.
Ochs was consider a joke when he buy the New York Times. Many saw as hick and Jewish at that who can't make in New York market. Well proved them wrong the New York Times was reborn under Och and by the time he died it was not only major playing in the New York market, a paper that could turn a nation.    

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Again Rush Limbaugh got it wrong.

Heard Rush Limbaugh on radio, just for moment or two, because is information(except on the Left bias of the media) so often so ill informed and just wrong I can't take it. Today he starts about the Supreme Court in Oklahoma ruling a Ten Commands tablets,  on state capitals ground must be removed. Well I think people have right to be upset with such decision but Limbaugh went too far and give wrong information. He talk impeaching justices who voted to remove the Ten Commands and went on say the founding father supported the idea of impeaching judges who's politics or decisions they don't like. Well, maybe Limbaugh needs a history lesson, the only U.S Supreme Court Judge impeached was Samuel Chase( I think in 1806) he was acquitted by the Senate because he was impeached for politics. Chase was very much a Federalists and Thomas Jefferson want out because Marbury v. Madison the court establish the principle of judicial review and Chief Justice Marshall, who was real target of the Chase impeachment would use judicial review to push forward Federalists policies. Well the Senate at the time was overwhelming Democratic-Republican( Jefferson's party) but enough Democratic-Republican voted not guilty that Chase was acquitted setting forth principle that judges aren't to be impeached because politics or decisions.  

Friday, June 26, 2015

What is the perfect ticket for Democrats in 2016 ?

What is the perfect ticket for Democrats in 2016? How about Hillary Clinton and Pope Francis? I mean both are left-winger believing it's clash between the rich and poor and government has duty it lesser the gap. Of course, both live in a ivory tower, far to educated to understand real life and government action to help the poor often hurts the poor. Both believe mass politics which goes against the soul of the United States. It is understandable the Pope doesn't get America( the U.S) after all, the U.S was rooted in Protestantism, distrust of central power and that state must rule with consent of govern And of course, this all dates back to England and Glorious Revolution of 1688, one of most underated historical events, when the King James II was overthrow by Parliament and replaced by William and Mary. Now this mark a change in how we governed, first the end of absolute Monarchy( Divine Right of Kings), the King's power could be check by Parliament Of course, James being Catholic and bring back bad memories of Mary Tudor, where Catholicism would force on people even killing those who prefer the Protestantism.The Bill of Rights was passed by Parliament in 1689:it make sure no Catholic would seat on English throne again, the right of petition was reinstated .The belief that no one is above the law and government aren't about men ,but rather law comes about because of the Glorious Revolution.        

Thursday, June 25, 2015

No ko for Obamacare thanks to Chief Justice Roberts.

It's strange world twice Obamacare has been saved by Chief Justice Roberts. John Roberts was not only appointed by President George W. Bush, I think Obama voted against but I'm not sure, but Obama in the State Union speech a few years ago really went after Roberts for citizens united decision, which stated corporation had free hand, more or less, to donate to political campaigns.
I think Roberts is worry about Juridical independent many on the Left and Right want courts to nothing more then a shallow to support there position .There believe in Judicial Review only when it serves there cause. Roberts understood that once Obama was reelected Obamacare was done deal.The Right says the people don't support it ,however, Obama was elected President twice and was passed by Congress. Now many on Right condemn the court for legislating from bench, other words over turning   laws passed by Congress and signed by the President but that's what wanted to do with Obamacare.
Juridical independent is key to free society it's often attack both on Left and Right.        

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Was Dylann Roof following in John Brown's footsteps?

Was Dylann Roof following in John Brown's footsteps? I know it sounds  crazy; after all, John fought to free Black people and of course Dylann Roof was a White Supremacist, who murder nine black people in a church, in a way mocking Christianity. However in a ungodly way ,a similarity that drove both man, and that is violence is the only way to change society. That's not true but all honesty John Brown, alone with many other factors help create the Civil War, which of course was violent but to lead to freeing of slaves, henceforth, promoting social change but there are many examples are social change happing with violence!       

Friday, June 19, 2015

I got a letter to the editor published in the NY Post on 6/17/15 on Rachel Dolezal the white woman who claimed to be black.

I got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on 6/17/15, on Rachel Dolezal the White Woman who claimed she was Black.
This is what appeared in the paper: "No doubt Rachel Dolezal, a white woman became a black woman because of white privilege. How does that make sense? In this topsy-turvy world, it does; after all, we live in a world where being a victim is a badge of honor and the world marches to the beat of ingratiating itself in very mindless way with people who get goodies to right past wrongs. But aren't two wrongs two wrongs?"

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Who was the only Vice-President of the U.S to be charged with treason?

Who was the only Vice-President of the U.S to be charged with treason? Now the Left-wing hate America bunch would say it should Dick Cheney, indeed, the New York Times, that source of great nonsense, had editorial Cheney should be changed as war criminal and the U.N agrees. Of  course, Cheney's crime isn't being a traitor to U.S but loving the U.S
Some might say Spiro Agnew, yes it's true Agnew was force to resign as Vice-President facing  criminal charges for taking bribes but not treason.
No, you have to go back to just about the becoming of the Republic to our third Vice-President Aaron Burr. An interest man, but had the devil inside maybe because he was grandson Jonathan Edwards the hell fire Presbyterian Preacher.
Burr was a man of great ambition but little or no belief, he become the boss of New York politics, indeed, one could say he founded Tammany Hall. Well, in the election of 1800 then Vice-President Thomas Jefferson who was running for President knew New York was key to his victory,henceforth, he team up with Burr so he would carry New York, which he did, however, the problem was both got 74 electoral votes, before the Twelve Amendment candidates for President didn't run as team, who got most electoral votes got Presidency and second got the Vice-President office provided they got majority. When Jefferson and Burr were the top vote getting but tie, the election went to House of Rep. where it remain deadlock until Alexander Hamilton back his arch-enemy Jefferson.
Of course, a few years later Burr had duel with Hamilton kill him and just about Burr's political career was over. Burr was man of great ambition he could no longer rule the United States, so why spilt the Western U.S off created a new country He got Great Briton to go alone until the English got government as Fox as foreign minster who recalled Anthony Merry as the U.K's representative to the U.S. Then a high U.S general Jams Wilkinson, who was in on the attempt to create a new nation, panic and told Jefferson of the attempt. The conspires base was in Ohio, an island own by Harman Blennerhassett, they were arrested, however, Burr was there, most likely  save him from a conviction, although he was arrested for treason , but government couldn't prove he acted overly, indeed, the verdict, so left handed, stating the government didn't prove it's case. But most people (and believe rightly so although the verdict was correct according to the law and Chief Justice Marshall rule correctly according to the law) thought Burr a traitor.
After the trial Burr left country, looking to enrich himself and flee credits,. Came back to U.S and late in life marry a rich woman( Jumel), but she saw though Burr and divorce him. Burr died a year in 1836, poor and disgraced.                 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I got a letter to the editor publish today on Bruce Jenner.

I got a letter to the editor publish today in the New York Post on Bruce Jenner. This is what appeared today in paper(the New York Post):" I know I am a voice in the wilderness, but I'm very disappointed in Bruce Jenner.
Why? Well, he and I have something in common. No, I don't plan to do what Jenner has. I was born a man, and I will die a man.
What we have in common is dyslexia. Indeed, the only good documentary I have seen on dyslexia was done by Bruce Jenner.
He would have served society far better by making the public even more aware and understanding of dyslexia, instead of this gender transitioning.
But that would take a word verboten in the Me Society and that world s sacrifice.
We are obsessed as a people with the word happiness.
People should be less self-absorbed and more concerned with others; we are only on this earth for a short time. Thus, we should serve a higher force than our ourselves.
Being selfish should not make one a paragon of virtue."

Friday, May 29, 2015

U.S economy lost gain in lastest report G.D.P drop .07 is a recession coming?

The U.S economy, in last reporting revision shown the G.D.P drop .07,that's a lot almost one percent add that to fact Switzerland G.N.P also drop and so did Sweden which has negative interest rates. Maybe monetary policy ain't the answer to economic blues. One wonder if another recession is around the corner. The U.K economy seems better off then most and that's why Tories win a big victory in election. Greece I think will push out of the E.U. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Chineses say there currency is fairly value

Chinese say there currency is fairly valued because they want to be a reserve currency which would mean they made the big time, no longer a small player in world economy scene. But to me there currency seem cheap, undervalued a Yuan is valued last I look at .16 cent per dollar. The U.S Government also thinks the Yuan is undervalued, indeed, with fast track trade bill, many were against because the Yuan is seem as undervalue, meanwhile, the Chinese stock market is going though the roof.
Vice-Chairman of FED Fisher said today interest may go up and U.S Market went down. Fisher is Israeli, indeed, for many years he head the Israeli central Bank, got high make for his leadership. President Obama appointed him to the FED as vice-chairman, which means he's head of the New York FED, which buys and sells the securities, which is main way the FED manipulates the money supply. It should be noted that Fisher's appointed have to be approved by the Senate. Also in the U.K the head of the Bank of England is a Canadian.
The money supply is control by reserve requirements and banks in the U.S have what's called FED Funds, which are overnight loans from bank that have more cash in hand than is needed by the reserve requirements to bank short of cash to meet requirements. The rate tells much of the monetary policy, low rates on FED FUND says the FED has easy monetary policy, a high rate is a sign of tight money. Today the FED FUNDS rate is almost zero I think it's around 0.25.        

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Happy Rockefeller not so happy today.

Happy Rockefeller not so happy today for she died. Today I wonder how many people know the name Happy Rockefeller or what big deal her marriage to Nelson was, how different times are today but 50 years to marriage of Nelson Rockefeller and Happy derailed Nelson dreams of going to White House. For Nelson and Happy had extramarital affair and Happy divorced her husband Dr. Murphy( life long friend of Nelson and Rockefeller family) and in 1964(when Rocky was running for President, Happy  divorce Dr. Murphy in 1963) was non-starter in politics.    

Chris Cuomo hate speech is protected by the First Amendment.

According to Megyn Kelly, Chris Cuomo a CNN newsman, a lawyer and brother to the Governor of New York, had posted the First Amendment doesn't protect hate speech, people should read it. Well, the First Amendment states, Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. That what it says,indeed, the First Amendment was meant to protect unpopular speech, like hate speech, after all, popular speech doesn't need protection. If it is true Cuomo posted that what idiot he is and how did become lawyer? Maybe last name?   

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wages up in the U.K and France and Italy outperform Germany.

Latest economy news from Europe: wages up the U.K G.N.P grow stronger  in France and Italy (which might be pulling out of it's recession) then Germany.
China wants banks to cut interest rates, however, also want higher capital tier one rates like so many governments the policy wants two different things: banks to lend out more, however also tie banks hand by demand a higher amount of capital be kept by the bank-the U.S has same policy as do many other counties.
Until last few days much talk that Germany bond would have negative yield. I believe no matter the
rush to safety negative rates ain't going cut it with investor. With low interest rate stocks are best game in town, a good stock can pay more then interest or bond in yield and if company has good balance sheet, grows earnings, pays out less then 50 percent in earning, then that stock will increase dividends over years and you yield will be greater then today.
Bank of England head, who is Canadian, says interest rates will be raise very slowly and with due care.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Scots must be drinking too much there own produce and is the Tory victory in the UK election a pyrrhic victory?

The Scots must be drinking too much of there own produce and is the Tory victory in the U.K election a pyrrhic victory?
In the realm of England land, the UK election must be trifling disconcerting, yes a great victory for Tories, which is good for the U.K, however, in the land of John Knox and Adam Smith the with election results alarm bells go off and the question is will the U.K survive? For movement of Scottish independence  is now cloudy, perhaps dark are ahead for the U.K, ironically just a few months ago the referendum for Scottish independence was soundly defeated, yet after Thursday's election the Scottish Nationalist Party(SNP) won 56 of 59 seats, Scotland was strong hold of the Labor Party, before the election the SNP had only 3 seat most were Labor a few were the Liberal-Social Democrats. The Liberal-Social Democrats were wired out losing around forty seats good by Nick Clegg, good by Liberal-Social Democrats? That was a merger between the Liberals which date back a long time, indeed, they were old Whigs, around World War One the party how fights between leader and never recovered. The Social Democrats were form in the 1970's from the Labor Party. The Social Democrat felt Labor was weak against the Soviet Union.
I wonder what's up with Scots?          

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tomorrow the U.K election could lead to a mess.

Tomorrow the Brits go to the polls, will David Cameron be able to form a government? I think the Tories will have most seat but will enough form government or partner like last with Liberal Democrats, who think will lose a lot seats and if they do will Nick Clegg stay as leader or is another 1915 break up party coming? In 1915 the Liberal Party was in power had revolt where H.H Asquith ,the Prime Minster at the time he replaced by David Lloyd George and Liberal never recovered. If the liberal Democrats loses many maybe somebody like Vince Cable, now President of the Broad could become new leader if Cameron need partner maybe some Liberal Democrats would join him in government, maybe he makes a deal with UKIP or maybe DUP. If Labor wins do make a deal with SNP?
Because of Liberal Democrats joining  the Tories in last government there was Constitutional charges like fix terms which could lead to mess if hung parliament.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The man from Hope was impressive, but not Bill.

The man from Hope was impressive, but not Bill, Mike Huckbee is man of the hour.His great communicated for example as throw his hat in the ring he come up with great line he said,"the Supreme Court isn't the supreme being". Also take dips at Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush without mention there names.Problem for Huckbee is he help let prison a guy went on tto Washington State and killed police office. But uckbee is very likeable and draw support beyond his base.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

We should be weary of nuclear deal with Iran- just look what hapen with Ukraine.

We should be weary of nuclear deal with Iran-just look what happen with Ukraine. The Ukraine agree to give up it's nuclear weapons with the break up the Soviet Union and in return the United States and  the UK give security assurance to the Ukraine to kept it's independence- it was called Budapest Memorandum so much for that just look at Crimea! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Shanghai stock market seems to be going though gang busters.

The Shanghai stock market seems to be going though the gang busters. Yet the Chinese economy is slowing down so what is up? Interest in U.S, Europe and much of world are so low it does pay to deposit money in banks, so where does one put ones money? Bonds? Again if interest are once more up the bonds lose value and often they don't pay much in interest. Real Estate? Too risky after 2008 melt down. So stock markets maybe the only game in town.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Should the West make an alliance with Bashar- al Assed to fight ISIS ?

In World War Two we make an alliance with Stalin, so why can't we make an alliance with Bashar - al Assad to fight ISIS?
True enough Bashar-al Assad is an evil man, but is he more evil then Stalin? I think not! I think sometimes you have made an alliance with evil to fight a greater evil. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A letter to the editor I got pubished in the Record on 4/9/15 on Rand Paul

On 4/9/15 a letter to the editor I wrote was published in the Record(the largest newspaper in Northern New Jersey) about Rand Paul. This is what appear in the paper" Regarding "Paul enters race, focuses on angry voters (Page A-7, April 8):
Rand Paul has declared for president, but the question is, in what direction would take the country?
Would he be a supporter of the people or a modern day Paul Revere warning us that the " the bureaucracies are coming, the bureaucracies are coming?
Still, it is foreign policy that might lead Paul astray. Does he represent the old Republican Party of Ohio Sen. Robert Taft, an isolationist, or the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan, which was one of the most successful in America history and the antithesis of Taft's?
I also wonder if Paul would throw his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, under the proverbial bus. If that happens, Rand Paul will have no direction home, but he just might have a path that leads to the White House.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Marine Le Penn dumps old man

A slow burn for Nazi loving Le Penn when his kin Marine Le Penn kick him out party he founded. But old Man is out to lunch for National Front will never gain the respect of the people with ties to the Nazi. They are gaining maybe Marine Le Penn might be President of France someday but father can't be hanging over her head.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Is there a cover up dealing with the German co-pilot who crash the plane?

Is there a cover up dealing with the German co-pilot who crash the plane? I don't know but story of mental illness causing him to crash plane is hard to believe. In West we don't like to point finger at
Muslim crazies, which makes you think who are crazy ones? These people want kill us yet we afaid to call them out why? Even the President of the United States doesn't want to condemn these Muslim crazies for terror they cause. What is wrong with us? If we don't combative this evil in most extreme way Western Civilization may not survive!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Did Senator Cruz forget the Alamo?

Senator Cruz announce his Presidential bid(talk about quixotic effort)at Liberty University the school
started by the late Rev. Jerry Falwell.
I don't think( usually it leads to headaches) that was such a good choice, the Alamo setting would been a great place to sent a message that race until death.
Big news in the financial world the merger between Kraft and Heinz icon brands. Maybe more merger with food companies: Campbell Soup(America icon brand and undervalued) Kellogg,General Mills and ConAgra from Nebraska so is Buffett. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

The victory of Netaryahu in Israel must be driving the Jew geniuses crazy.

The victory of Netaryahu in Israel must be driving the Jew geniuses crazy and I'm loving it. For the Jew geniuses with there Left-wing conformity have treated me like I was a nothing. because I didn't do well in school, didn't have a great job and didn't follow the company line. For didn't believe in theory of the Yiddish head(it's German or Yiddish word for head but I can't spell it I have dyslexia and this computer outlet does do the job) something my mother believe in that Jews were smarter. Of course, this is great query for Jewish people what is meant by the chosen people? A term I hate but for people like mother it meant Jews were more likely to be in high position, make more money then the rest because they were gifted. What nonsense! The reality is we all have strengths and weakness and we should march to our own drum beat not what society says we should march too! If your not individual just a member of a group you have no soul!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I got a letter to editor published today (3/19/15) in the New York Post about the Clinton Obama feud.

Here is how my letter to editor in the New York Post appeared in the paper today:" It was very fitting that on the Ides of March- the day Julius Caesar was murdered by his friends- The Post's front page exposed the feud between the Clintons and the Obamas("Bam's Judas Kiss" Ed Klein, March 15).
 The dislike runs deep, indeed. It got no notice, but at the 50th anniversary of the march in Selma for voting rights, the ceremony was led by Obama and former President George W. Bush was there. But where were the Clintons? Maybe they didn't get the e-mail."     

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Daily News on 3/14/15 on how any deal with Iran must be approve by the U.S Senate.

This is what appear in the New York Daily News on 3/14/15 of my letter. " The Daily News used the headline " Traitors for the Republican senators who wrote a letter to Tehran and informed the Iranians that any deal done by executive order can be undone by another President.But was it treason or patriotism? I think the latter! The President's use of an executive order, instead of a treaty, for a deal is overreach. A treaty would require a two-thirds vote of the Senate to approve it and knows he's not going to get it so he violates the Constitution instead. The senators who wrote the letter believe in checks and  balances- and also that the President has overstepped his authority."    

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fear of rasing interest rates lead the market down

Economics must be the science of dismay for good news leads to a stock market going down because fear of rasing interest rates. I don't think the FED will rise rates in June. No I think it's not until the Presidential  race is over in 2016.
Saw Wilbur  Ross on Fox business news today his investing in Germany. Believes the lower EURO is good for Germany which does make since Germany lives off it's exports.
Chevon boss said a Strong dollar makes doing business overseas cheaper. But think a strong would hurt America companies doing business oversea because the local currency is worth less leading less revenue coming in. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why doesn't Nina Pham sue God?

I read in newspaper that Nina Pham, the nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for  Thomas Duncan(who died) from West Africa, has filed a lawsuit against the hospital she work in. Why the hospital? Why not Obama who let in the U.S  Duncan from West Africa/ Or sue West Africa? Or maybe God ? I mean, isn't God to blame for Ebola?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Got a letter to the editor in the NY Post on 2/14/15 about Brian Williams and Bob Simon.

This is what I wrote that appeared in the paper(New York Post) in the letter to the editor section : " In the last few days, we have seen the death of a real newsman Bob Simon and the demise of a phony one- not Jon Stewart, but Brain Williams.
 One difference between Simon and Williams is when Simon reported a story, it was about the story, not him. Simon was a journalist who did not seek celebrity. On the other hand , Williams is a joke-seeking celebrity. But he was a cruel joke, a bad egg. 
 One wonders how a man like Williams with no character rose so high in media? But it is good to know there are those like Bob Simon who had a high position in the media, proving the media  isn't totally the devil's brew."   

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Can Rand Paul and Marine La Penn do what JFK did separate temsleve from there father?

When John Kennedy ran for President he had an asset and liability in his father. John Kennedy would have never been President for not for his father. For not only did his father provide unlimited amounts of money to his son's quest to be President, but also he used many connections though his years as businessman of political bosses and even gangster, who shall we say could create votes!
On the other hand, Joe Kennedy was a liability: first as businessman he made a lot money but question were raised abut his ethics(that is if businessman have ethics.) It reminds me of story about a joke about Franklin Roosevelt, two men are taking about FDR being traitor to his class: one said, FDR was really a traitor to his class; after all, he was gentleman not a businessman. Second problem with Joe Kennedy he was somewhat sympathetic to the Nazi, henceforth, the belief that was anti-Semitic, with La Penn you can multiple that problem ten fold for her father was almost a Nazi himself, Rand can't escape that problem either.     

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Kill rich White babies for social justice?

I was watching on T.V,a program on New York One,about  child health,and of course,like so much of the media full(of it) and misinformation and pushing a Left-wing agenda. A so called pediatric,who doubles as a deputy commissioner of a new agency creature by the big government socialist mayor of New York. This man decried the disparity of the health poor minority children  (like Whites aren't poor) and rich white children and disparity in infant mortality.
The solution is easy,just kill all the rich White children until the infant mortality evens out and the corpses of the rich white dead children can be used to feed the minority children because of White Privilege the corpses of the rich white children should be very tasty nutritious and you can't beat that!    

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The economic on the rocks?

The economic on the rocks? Who knows so many mixed signals:Stock Market down for two days lead by energy companies,however,U.S Steel up by 3 dollars maybe a sign of good time,however,Ethan Allen the furniture maker was down and furniture is sign of economic,in good times people buy,in bad times they don't,however,Boeing stock reach an all time high.
Both the U.s Dollar and gold are up,how can that be? The Swiss franc now free flows and Greece has given the finger to europe.Crazy to know what laya ahead.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The good,the bad and ugly in Freedom forum.

The good,the bad and ugly in Freedom forum sponsored by Steve King in Iowa.
The good:Surprisingly Scott Walker,I told he's boring but wasn't and made good point about he's one of few governors that lower property taxes.
To my surprise Rick Santorum was good:I thought he try to appeal to caveman caucus but he didn't he talk about unity,very strange for Right Republican but the Santorum surprises for try to appeal working class very unusually for a Republican.The problem Santorum is alway unhappy,he must be Jewish(that's joke).
No surprise Mike Huckabee,who I think is best communicated of the lot,was good.Huckabee's problem beside raising money will be the clemency he give a man in Arkansas,who was released from jail early and went on murder people in Washington State.
Chris Christie was very good,now last may I was the Jewish value meeting where Christie spoke and he was excellent,talk about American exceptionalism.Now Governor Perry was also there a spoke he was pandering to Jewish crowd,however,Perry was good at Freedom Forum
Now the bad: Governor Palin she's too pretty to be ugly but she was bad.
The ugly Ted Cruz too much bombast and Donald Trump who is rump and nasty attachs on Bush family was in poor taste.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Is Larry Fink(of Blackrock) a fink?

I saw Larry Fink on Bloomberg T.V in Davos and said some interesting things:one worry about U.S economy,overprice dollar will hurt U.S companies,in short lower oil prices means many layoffs in energy industry and less capital spending will hurt economy,in long run lower energy prices good for consumer(however I will remind Mr.Fink what John Maynard Keynes once said in the long ran we are all dead).Fink also said the Swiss by removing their control in their currency,which mean a higher value for the Swiss Franc will lead to recession in Switzerland and if it doesn't the Right-wing in Germany will put pressure on government to leave the Euro.Germany of course,live on export and Euro is far cheaper than would be the Mark,hence,a cheap currency means one goods oversea are cheap,hence,people will buy them keeping your factory at home humming.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Russian Spy ship in Havana equals the Zimmermann Telegram?

A Russian spy ship in Havana equals the Zimmermann Telegram? First one has to know what was Zimmermann Telegram.Arthur Zimmermann,one of biggest fools ever on the world scene I mean if it wasn't for him Russian may not have turn Communist.For Zimmerman the fool who allow Lenin to leave Switzerland,by railcar,go through Germany and enter Russian,to lead revolution and get Russia out of the war.Which occurred but at the end day of the it was pyrrhic victory,for all especially for Zimmermann's Faustian backfired big time,yes Russian left the war but the United States entry and part because of the Zimmermann Telegram.Zimmermann telegraphed the German ambassador to Mexico,directing him to made offer to Mexico government that if allied themselves with Germany they could reconquer Texas,New Mexico, and Arizona.
British intelligence intercepted and decoded the telegram and show it to Americans a step leading the U.S.A entering the war.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is Ted Cruz the new Ronald Reagan?

Maybe I was wrong about Ted Cruz,for I(that is me) thought(which leads to headaches) him a fool a clown.However this morning,I was watching C-Span and saw Ted Cruz speak in front of Heritage Society and he was brilliant,so on point.How can man seem brilliant,and yet support a stupid strategy of shuting down the government?
I mean,in his speech today Cruz reminded me of Ronald Reagan.I man we need today,for Reagan was greatness President of 20 century,for when you win war(the Cold War) without firing a bullet that's pretty remarkable thing.And if don't think Reagan was great just look at map,now true enough Obama and Putin(perfect together) are trying to undo that map.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Maybe happy days aren't here again.

Lately much talk on how economy in the U.S anyway is looking good:job growth,low inflation(although many economists worry about deflation) and until recently a stock that goes up and up.But there are clouds in this silver lining,for example the head of IMF stated the U.S economy is good but rest of the world is bad,well remember back in 2007 and 2008 the U.S was doing good and Europe wasn't but we were told not worry for there is de-coupling wrong by end of 2008 the U.S economy was down the tubes.Also worry the price gold is going up,but copper is down(five year low) and Vix is going up yet volume in the market is low.Maybe happy days aren't here again.

Unlike the great whore Diana George VI was a real nobleman.

The world went nuts when Lady Diana died.What was her claim to fame? That she marry that moron Charles? I mean,she slept with many of men,no lady was she,but come again she was married to Charles so can blame her.But the reaction here in the States was ridiculous,I heard on T.V one lady say she was one us.What nonsense Lady Diana was privilege slut end of story.
George VI was great man and that's last thing he wanted to be,sly never wanted to be king hatred the spotlight,but unlkie many royals,including his brother,George had strong sense duty,to serve the nation he loved.In World War Two George can have moved out London or even to Canada BUT LIKE A GREAT LEADER HE STAY HOME risking being killed by German bombs.A true hero now forgoten,although in rent years there was very good movie about him,"The King Speech" and class live on in his daughter Elizabeth but her children leave much to be desire for Royals.

What non-German group make up the only non-German Division of the S.S?

Why our friends the Muslims,the only non-German group to make up a division of S.S were Muslims of  Bosnia.Himmler said,Islam is the best religion for soldiers,because they look at death as prize they don't fear look nominal people.
Now fair to Muslims who were in S.S undoubtedly many were less pro-Nazi and more anti-Communist for the job of 13 Waffen Mountain Division of S.S(the Muslim Division) was to fight Tito's Communist partisan,however,Communists they may be but Tito worked very close to the British,indeed,the British point man in the relationship was Sir Fitzroy Maclean.And interesting note to history when Fitroy Maclean told Churchill Tito was a Communist,Churchill reply was a classic:Churchill said,well I don't live in Yugoslavia!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Stuart Varney and Brent Bozell give out misinfromation about Carlos Slim impact on the New York Times.

Stuart Varney(of Fox News) and Brent Bozell give out misinformation about Carlos Slim impact on the New York Times. Carlos Slim,a Mexican of Lebanese descent,is one richest men in the world.A few years ago had lend the New York Times needed capital,received stock in exchange now 16% but it's class A stock,Class B stock is most of voting stock and it's own 88% by the Ochs-Sulzberger what wasn't mention in Varney's and Bozell critique of Slim's involvement in the New York Times.Varney even went so far,as suggest that Slim would advocate open borders,implying that Slim is from Mexico,henceforth,he favors open borders and Bozell nodded his head.That's racist nonsense,first the New York Times has long favor open borders and the New York Times is considered by many to be a Jewish paper because Adolph Ochs(who brought the paper near bankrupt in 1896 and his family still owns it) was Jewish,although many of descendants are no longer Jews,however Ochs was also very much a Southern(he come from Chattanooga Tenn.) and very proud of his German heritage,indeed,in World War One when many changed German sounding names like the Royal Family of Great Britain and even family of Adolph Ochs changed there name to Oakes,however,Adolph keep the name Ochs,however,the paper for many is a Jewish Left-wing paper,even though it's anti-Israel,but bet you Varney would never call the New York Times a Jewish paper for if he did he lose his job at Fox News.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Should France kick out the Muslims?

Should France kick out the Muslims? I mean,there is much remorse in that community of fools,indeed,one heards complaint ecoh by our stupid media that same things to firer Muslims for refusing to give of moment silence to victims of the terror,as terrorist murder people just moral equivalency does cut the mustard.No by looking for excuses for the terror the Muslim community shows it's self to be medieval,henceforth,should not live in modern society.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hidden value in Bank stocks?

Today J.P Morgan come out with earning:down because of trading and government fines(over billion).Well Fargo profit up a bit because increase business in mortgages.Watching Bloomberg T.V and William Cohan was guest host:he wrote great book,"The Last Tycoons" about Lazard Freres & Company,also wrote not such a great on the Duke Rape scandal,he's racial marshmallow.Cohan is a smart guy,who spent six years at Lazard Freres and was a Managing Director at JP MOrgan before becoming a journalist.He said,banks are making a ton of money because the FED is giving money away and the banks are paying next to nothing for desposit,hence,the souce of inventory(in the case of banks it's money) and agree with Cohan.
I think money can be make in the energy sector,because droping oil prices I believe energy stocks are oversold.I believe energy companies that have a lot of cash in the balance sheet can weather the storm of low energy prices very nicely,hence,they are good long term investment.Remember the old Wall Street saying,"buy your straw hats in the winter time" buy stocks out of favor! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Is Obama an idiot?

Js Obama an Idiot or does he just play one on T.V? A good question,he is certainly when it comes to foreign policy,is a mental midget.Doesn't under history,believes in third world outlook,America is problem the White Man must be put in his place,hence,he lack soul.He can not fight terrorist because deep down he doesn't think they are evil.He is produce of our education system which teaches hate America.For example school children are teach and reinforced by the media that United States overthrow democratic government in Iran and put Shah in power,but that's only part of story the rest isn't told.For Shah father was overthrown by British and Soviet troops because he was going sell oil to the Nazi.Remember one reason the Nazis lost the war was storage of fuel and this something not know but many people Saudi Arabia refused to sell oil to Nazi,and keep in mind that Ibn Saud hated Jews,he thought they were Communist,he must meet my relatives.When Shah's father was overthrown parliament become the power in Iran.The Shah replace his father as head of monarchy,but it was a toothless position,until 1953 when Prime Minister at time was close to Soviet Union and it was the Cold War and oil again come into play,henceforth,the C.I.A under the direction T.R's grandson stage a coup of sorts and power in Iran come back to the monarchy.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/9/14,in the NY Daily News, on Grand Jury System.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/9/14,in the New York Daily News,on the grand jury System.This is what appeared the paper:"Norman Siegel and Ira Glasser want to get rid of the Grand Jury system because it's old(Op-Ed, Dec7) ? Would these gentlemen get rid of habeas corpus,which dates back to 1679? Or our Bill of Rights,which dates back to 1791? Indeed,most of our liberties are rooted in the Magna Carta which dates back to 1215.Grand juries are designed to project the innocent,which is why they  are done in secret.Imagine what would happen to any blacks whose testimony backed Officer Darren Wilson- their life span might be cut short.Now,it's true the grand jury didn't seem to work so well on Staten Island,but you didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater."   

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Arch Moore R.I.P

Back in nineteen seventies I went to college in WV at Shepherd College,it's now a University,it's located in Shepherdstown,a very nice small at least when I went to college which is more than 37 years ago.The governor for most of that time,was a Republican(in those days there were very few Republicans in West Virginia,indeed,the State Senate I think only had one Republican of 30 members,a big difference today now there are 18 Republican giving them a majority for first time since the nineteen twenties unfortunately for one of my best friends in college Ron Miller,who is State Senator in West Virginia today but is a Democrat,now when I knew Ropn he was a Republican)Arch Moore.He died 3 days ago at good age of 91 and saw his daughter Shelley Moore Capito sworn in as U.S Senator from WV.She first Republican to be elect to the U.S Senate from WV since the nineteen fifties.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Does tragedy in Paris have it's roots in de Gaulle decision to leave Algeria.

Old soldiers may not die and just fade away,but many a French soldier,who is most likely dead now,may in their graves be saying I told you so after today's tragic events in Paris.For terrorists although French by born were no doubt of Algerian descent.Of course,there is long history between France and Algeria for France saw Algeria not so much as colney,but rather,part France,henceforth,when Algeria became independent it broke the heart of many of the France and Algerian too,indeed,many come France after independence seeking a better life,however,many in the Muslim Community are misanthrope.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Last real liberal Republican died a few days ago.

I was shocked to hear the nasty lady Lady Laura Ingraham state the Republican is no longer a party conservative party.I wonder what planet she's living on it ain't earth.Indeed,just few days the last liberal Republican Edward Brooke died.Believe or not,Brooke was African-American and was elect to U.S Senate frm Mass, in 1966,re-elected in 1972 and lost in 1978.It worth noted as the Republican Party turned right,Brooke stays with Republican.I  don't think the same said about Right-wing looney birds,who will jump ship if suits them,no doubt somebody loke Ted Cruz will bolt party and ran as a third party candidacy,hence, guaranteeing victory to Left-wing Democrat. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/30/14 in Record about a man of grace.

Got a letter to the editor published on 12/30/14 in the Record(of Bergen County).Cass Sunstein,who worked in Obama government wrote a piece praising George W. Bush for his silence about the Obama government.I wrote a letter to editor in responds to Cass Sunstein piece and this is what appeared in paper:"Columnist Cass Sunstein is right.President George W. Bush is a man of grace.Indeed,his silence in dealing with the Obama administration is golden.For Bush cares more for presidency than personal pique.
It's a sign of class;a concept no longer in vogue in politics and hencforth,society is the great loser when men and women of power act like children.
Perhaps,much can be learned from the dignity of the Bushes,but I rather doubt.For today politics it's all about one's self not the nation."

Friday, January 2, 2015

The dollar is king in weak lands like Russia and Argentina.

On CNN today saw a story people in Moscow demonstrating,that they can't afford their mortgages because denominated in foreign currencies.Obviously the Russian Banks knew the Ruble would be worthless so they wanted to be pay back in currency that was worth something,henceforth,mortgages in foreign currency like the dollar.
Watching Bloomberg T.V the Latin America gal said,big deal in Argentina are done dollars not pesos
because the Argentine peso is worthless.
Funny not long ago,there was much talk about replacing the U.S Dollar as international reserve currency. Of course, in early 1970's during the oil embargo it was said the Arabs would overtake tthe U.S as world economic power,then in late 1970's it was Japan to rule the world,of course,Japan has been in recession the last twenty years,now China the smart people say will rule the roost.But somehow the U.S always seems to come out on top I think because we know the smart people ain't that smart.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Pat Buchanan and Obama soul mates on Russian? Oy!!!

Pat Buchanan and Obama soul mates on Russian? Oy!!! The Obama Administration believes in appeasement anywhere at any price.Now they seek to use Henry Kissinger,like ghost Christmas past,to save their bacon to get train started for rapprochement with Russia,but the train wouldn't move from station.
I heard om McLaughlin the caveman Pat Buchanan say Putin is man we can to business.What type of business is taking about? Monkey business.Buchanan is good write but so much the fool for Putin is like rat the more cornered the more dangerous,not fellow you want to do business with.

Is it the beginning of end for Putin?

A few days ago,on T.V I was watching European Journey(a T.V show dealing what's happening in Europe) and saw a story about a rally in Moscow against Putin and it was lead by Alexei Navalny now this story,as far as,I know hasn't received any coverage in American media.Maybe the beginning of end for Putin? Russian is receiving enough attention in America media,by the media in the U.S is dominated by hair blow morons.