Monday, December 29, 2014

Is Brad Melzer the new Dr.Goebbels?

Watching Brad Meltzer decoding history,it struck me this is a bunch Left-wing American hating bull!
I saw show there did on Mount Rushmore,and lead people there is mysterious evil force working it's will and America is just evil racism country.There interview clown from KKK,now were trying to play fact the sculptor Gutzon Borglum,had done earlier done the Stone Mountain Memorial,however,not mention in the story Borglum left the project over dispute over finances which was mainly done by KKK.Dr.Goebbels would be very pround of Brad Melzer.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

If it wasn't for Martin Luther would the American Revolution be possible?

If it wasn't for Martin Luther would the American Revolution be possible? On the onset one would say no:after all,Luther died more 200 years before the Revolution and peasants revolted in Luther's lifetime,in his name,Luther distance himself from revolts.But like so much in history,there is under current from movements that often result in unexpected events.For Luther's message that church wasn't center of belief in God but it was personal relationship with God that message resonated with people threw out the ages.Henceforth,Protestantism is key to the derivation of democracy,capitalism and America.Protestantism lead people to distrust centralized government,the belief that s power is in the hands of the people, not institutions like government or the church,indeed one needs the consent of govern to rule.
For record I'm not Protestant,I'M Jewish whatever that is.

Friday, December 26, 2014

George Washington America's most underrated general and Robert Lee the most overrated.

Until recently Robert E. Lee almost God like not only in South but North too! And for wrong reason (political correctness) he's gone down a peg or two.But true is Lee was wrong general for the South.Lee was far too aggressive to suit what the South needed to win.The only the South could have won,if just hang on avoid big battle and hope over time the population of the North would sick of the war,henceforth,leaving the south alone.Basically that's how Washington won the Revolutionary War,he kept thing going until the British public got sick of the war,henceforth,the war ended and America become the United States(although not really consummated until the Constitution come in effect in 1789 six years after the last British troops left).Washington in so many way is underrated,yes we know his great man but to most somehow  he doesn't seem real. 

The wit of Bredan Byrne

Bredan Byrne was governor of New Jersey from 1973 to 1981.In my opinion,not a very good governor,indeed,he give us the state income tax.But all isn't dark with Byrne for had Irishmen's wit.
For Byrne said,"when he dies,he hopes to be buried in Hudson County this way he still be involved in politics."
Byrne trying to point out,of all people the dour Presbyterian Woodrow Wilson had sense of humor when he was governor of New Jersey(1910-1913).Byrne tells the story,Wilson received a phone call 3:00 A.M,the man calling him said Judge Smith has died.Wilson replyed,Oh very sorry to hear that,the man went on,I like to replace him.Wilson replyed it's ok with me,as long as,it's ok with the undertaker."

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

For once Rush Limbaugh is right the New York Times is nuts!

Yesterday the only place I heard that New York Times Editorial Board came out for indicting Dick Cheney for war crimes was Limbaugh show and rightly is was very upset.After all,what was Cheney's great crime? Trying save American lives,trying prevent another 9/11.It sound to me he should get praises from New York Time.But New York Times,as so much of Left,has mean streak.It's not good for these people to defeat their opponents at polls,they want to put them jail,henceforth,the New York Times cohorts are far more dangerous to democracy then a boat load of Dick Cheneys.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Liz Cheney is full of it.

Liz Cheney is full of it and it don't look too good,or smell too good.Liz Cheney is daughter former Vice-President Dick Cheney,who is arrogant S.O.B however for some strange reason I like him,I think because he's patriot,even though,he doesn't quite understand the root of American democracy is consent to govern by the people.
Anyway Liz Cheney said something you heard on Right-wing talk radio all time and it isn't true that reason the Republicans lost the lost two election for President is they don't get vote out.Nonsense,in 2008 the financial crisis doom the G.O.P and in 2012 it was hurricane Sandy and Candy and Romney being too conservative for most people that cause the defeat.Goebbels said if lie enough people will start to believe,however,only true believes in Right-wing talk radio believe that G.O.P lost in 2008 and 2012 because conservatives stay home,it's not true and it's not true that there a large Right-wing base in America.And people spread that lie are hurting the Right-wing.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Opening up Cuba a big pay day for America business?

Opening up Cuba a big day for America business? Not so fast,yes China is very much a capitalist dream,however,big differences with Cuba.First of all many people in China have money and there are capital markets(stock markets) in China,not so in Cuba.
Also in 1934 when FDR recognize the Soviet Union many American business thought they would rich by trade with U.S.S.R,indeed,there was party in fancy New York City hotel where business got drunk dreaming of all profit they would made in U.S.S.R never happen.
Stalin ran closed country,to him less contract the Russian people had without world the better.True in late 1930's he offer Soviet Bond,a lot stupid people bought the bonds,including Ben Kerns(so call genius a Communist who was in La Guardia's dept of investigation)in I think 1939 the Soviet Union defaulted on Bonds.
Putin has problem today's Russian is far more international falling rubles and oil price can lead to Putin's downfall.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The unholy Trinity:Castro,Nixon and Vesco

The unholy trinity:Raul Castro,Donald Nixon and Robert Vesco form a business partnership in mid-nineteen nineties.It was drug,no not that types drugs(not fun ones)but one to cure diseases.Donald Nixon was nehrew of Richard Nixon.Robert Vesco was on lamb convicted Securities fraud.Curiously,his lawyer was the high price Arthur Liman,who later be council for Senate in Iran-contra Affair.Anyway Vesco skip out before trial ended and lead to his life on the run and sad tale ends in Cuba.Vesco stole from the company,he and Nixon were held in jail,however,Nixon hands were clear so Cuba let go,Vesco spent the rest of his life in Cubian jail,he was let go a month before he died,he had lung cancer.However,many didn't believe Vesco was die,they say to prove his died his casket should lifted from grave and open to see if his body was there!  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Does anybody want Rubles?

Does anybody want Rubles? The Russian stock market goes down the Rubles is become worthless,yet Putin seem to go his mad course.On Bloomberg T.V this morning former Chess champion and liberal politician Gary Kaminsky was the guest and he said Putin will die in the Kremlin,nobody knows when or how not even Putin.He also chided Sec. of State Kerry and in round about way Obama for being soft on Russian.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

In Japan it looks like Abenomics is here to stay.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has just win a big victory in parliamentary election,meaning Abenomics is here to stay in Japan for a while.The victory is hard to believe;after all, Japan is in a recession.Of course,it's been downward spin for twenty years,indeed,I'm so old I remember when people talk that Japan would overtake the U.S as number one economy in world,that was 1970's and sound a lot people say today China,but lately China economy seem to be a paper tiger,the numbers are rigged the growth is overstated.
Anyway Abenomic won't solve Japanese economic problems,for it has less to do policy then aging population.Japan simply has too many old people and not enough young people to support its economy.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Got a letter published today(12/11/14) in the NY Post about Herman Badillo R.I.P

Got a letter to the editor pulished today(12/11/14) in the NY Post about R.I.P.Where is what appeared in the paper:"Badillo proved a man from humble beginnings could cast a giant shadow touching all of us in a positive way.
He was the Horatio Alger of his day and a man of strength and courage- a rare commodity on the political battlefield.
He showed a love of the city,a belief in one's self and that through hard work and intelligence much could be accomplished for common good.
Badillo was seen by fools as a Latino radical.As time went on ,Badillo saw the wastefulness and stupidity of left-wing conformists who were dragging the city down.He became a Republican,and supercilious snobs who dominate so much of our culture gave him the back of their hands.
He was a true giant who rose above petty parochial politics of the day."     

Monday, December 8, 2014

Archie Bunker lives through Rush Limbaugh.

Archie Bunker lives through Rush Limbaugh.I mean,this Sunday when Limbaugh appear in Chris Wallace show,on Fox News,Limbaugh like Archie Bunker.Like Limbaugh Archie Bunker was phony character. What do I mean,well Limbaugh is full of crap,like program on Sunday he said the reason why Republicans lost in 2012 was because 4 million Republican didn't go to the poll.A lie,just like Brokaw about a Mid-West radio talk show host talking of Obama and ecrement.
Now Archie Bunker was dishonest character,why? His creator Norman Lear said,Archie was taken from his father,who was Jewish,Archie is portrayed as a WASP.Now I live in New York City in 1970's and there was many WASPs living there and those that did weren't part working class,indeed,they were wealthy,and didn't live in Queens,but rather in Manhattan and,in a way,the very liberal mayor of New York in 1960's John V. Lindsay,who was a WASP,symbolism the WASP of New York.Now Archie was almost portrayed as a Republican,but hard Right white working class,who were mostly Irish and Italian were Democrats,albert George Wallace Democrats not to be confused with Henry Wallace,the very Left-Wing Presidential candidate of the Progressive Party in 1948 who was very popular with the Jews.So see how media distort things,if you a Republican your casted in bad way,now some Republican like Limbaugh(if still is a Republican) are bad lot,but not most and there are plenty bad people who are Democrats.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today in the NY Post about Al Sharpton.

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post today (12/5/14) about Al Sharpton.This is what appear in paper today:"Indeed,the world has gone crazy when the unjust masquerades as a soldier of justice,and so much of society buys the song and dance.
What is Sharpton in reality? A punk,nothing more then a hustler who saw his opportunity to degrade society down to his level of dirt.
We know his history,a true charlatan who will never be held accountable because the feckless political leadership is afraid.
Shame on the men of power who seek Sharpton as a man of vision."

Thursday, December 4, 2014

What gives with the Shanghai Stock Market?

What gives with the Shanghai Stock Market? For it goes up and up today almost five percent gain.Yet we told China is in doldrums,it's economy is slowing down.We are told this is one reason the price oil is dropping like rock,as is many commodities,yet Shanghai Stock Market is booming. Why? Does anybody know?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Is Rush Limbaugh insane or back on drugs?

When you do same thing over and over again and expect a different result that's insanity.That's what the yahoos on Right do all the time,close the government brilliant the public hates it but Limbaugh and company wants the G.O.P to be suicide mission.Fight,fight,fight that's the motto but didn't work out so well in "The Charge of the Light Brigade."

Is OPEC finished?

Is OPEC finished? Well,OPEC was organized in 1960 when the Texas Railroad Commision dominated the oil market,indeed, ruled the roost,by limiting the production of Texas oil.In those days Texas oil when for 3 dollars a barrow,internation oil sold for dollar,that's right a dollar.To stop the influx of cheap foreign oil the U.S Government had quota to restrain incoming foreign oil.The quota was lifted in 1973 the year OPEC showed it's muscle with stoppage of oil to the West.Since 1973 the West was at mercy of OPEC,we importing more and more foreign oil and OPEC rule the roost in the oil market.But then shale revolution occur and U.S soon desprite the dummies in Washington who are captives of environmental morons,will over take from Saudi Arabia and Russia as world's leading productor of oil and gas.
Recently the Saudi,hence,OPEC said they wouldn't cut production of oil despite the dropping price of oil,a sign OPEC's domination of the oil market is over!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The wit and wisdom of Winston Churchill.

Churchill was once asked,how does he think history will treat you? Churchill's answer was,"quite well,for I shall write it."
When Churchill was told Tito was a Communist,Churchill replied,"well I don't live in Yugoslavia,do you? He was answering Sir Fitzroy MacClean,who lead the British mission to Tito.Question was to support Tito,who was a Communist to fight the Nazis.The allies,the British saw Tito as lesser of two evils and I think they were right.
In a debate,in House of Commons,Lady Astor complain about Churchill being drunk.She said,Winston you are drunk and Churchill replied,"madam it's true I am as drunk as you are ugly,however,tomorrom when get up,I shall be sober and you will be still ugly."
One day in bathroom for House of Common Clement Attlee(leader of Labor party and Prime Minster) went to do his business urinal stall,next to Churchill moved to next stall.Attlee said,Winston feeling a bit skipish today? Churchill replied,"No it's not that,it's just you Socialist nationalize everything big."
Churchill also said about Socialism,in broadcast in election of 1945,"No Socialist system can be established without a politican police... They would have to fall back on some sort of Gestapo."
On the fall of France,Churchill said,"If the British nation and Commonwealth last a thousand years...
men will still say,this was their finest hour."
After the British victory in battle of Briton Churchill said,"Never in field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
In beginning of World War Two,as Churchill become P.M he said on 5/13/1940,"I have nothing to offer but blood,toil,tears, and sweat."
On 6/4/1940 Churchill said,"We shall fight on the beaches,we shall fight on the landing grounds,we shall fight in the fields and streets," Of course,this statement was made during darkness of times for Brits,and indeed,the civilized world in World War Two.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

In France could the new boss be the same as the old boss?

In France could the new be the same as the old boss? Is next President of France Sarkozy? He just win his party's leadership,next step President? President of France today is Socialist Francois Hollande,who beat Sarkozy when he ran for re-election,however,since then Hollande has become very unpopular and he's learn there big difference between theory and reality(what a concept).

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is Ted Cruz insane?

They say if do same things over and over again and get same result,and not good that's definition of insanity.If that's the case then Ted Cruz is insane.The other he said,the G.O.P shouldn't afraid to shut down the government.Well,they done twice before and both times it backfired,indeed.the first government shut down most likely saved Bill Clinton's Presidency.
Yeah,phony journalist like Byron York,who is ready a toady for the meshugge(Yiddish for crazy)Right.He will go on Fox and Right-Wing radio talk shows and say that shutting down government isn't bad idea and won't hurt the hurt the G.O.P but that's lie,indeed,the Left praying for Right to do stupid like shutting down the Government or impeaching Obama.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Under Socialism the people don't own the assets the State does it ain't the same thing.

Under Socialism the people don't own the assets the State does it ain't the same thing.Just like there is difference between having a job and working.Yes if you are working you have a job,but the reality(what a concept) is you can have job and not work,it happens all time and when the State creates a job with no work,it not only causes economic problem,but in effect hides them for there is no difference between having a phony job and being on welfare or the dole,another work depending on the state for financial support,indeed,it's more honest for sociality to have people getting payments from state in form of welfare then having phony jobs.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Syrian refugees problem for Greece.

Watching one those cable station,a foreign one(maybe French Chinese or Russian or maybe international CNN) nothing on this story,Greece being flooded by Syrian refugees on America News Networks.Anyway saw story of Syrian refugees bedding,with sleeping bags,down in front of the Greek parliament building,not sight welcoming a trouble country near with not broke,they can't help there own,no money in the till,how can handle an influx of Syrians? I mean,it's sad story for Syrian, I heard one woman tell that they took a ship,costing them $5000 dollars for Turkey to Greece.These Syrians are people now without a country and getting not much news coverage.
It's shows what blow hearts these Right-wing talk show host in America are for either there liers or misinformed,for constantly say the U.S is only country that people across a border which is laxes,but not true as we see with Greece and much of Europe.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Goldman Sachs very upbeat!

This morning on Bloomberg T.V they had Goldman Sachs's chief economist,a foreign guy,very nerdy looking guy,I think German.anyway said 2015 should a good year.Hopefully he's right.
I am nerious about Stock Market,everyday it goes higher and higher because I think interest rates so low and good old U.S,A just might be the only safe haven around.The chief economist for Goldman Sach did say the strong dollar would be a drag on the U.S economic,however,lower oil price should mitigating factor,henceforth,the strong dollar matched by lower oil price should be a wash on the economic.

Newsbreak Mr.Midwest(Chuck Hagel) is out!

Chuck Hagel,former Senator from Nebraska soon to be former Defence Sec.On Fox Business news this I heard Hagel is out! Hagel very much a child of Midwest loves America,however,strong isolationist tendency.
Hagel was born,in heartland,Nebraska his father died when he was 16,hence,burden of being head male of family fall on him He dropout college to support his family became a D.J on radio station.Along with brother he volunteered for army to go to Vietnam(1967-1968).After that he worked as newscaster and talk show host in Nebraska from 1969-1971,then worked for Congressman John McCollister from 1971-1977,then lobbyist for Firestone,then work in Veterans Admin,in the Reagan Admin then went business and U.S Senator elect in 1996.Ally of McCain but later broke away relationship damage also with G.O.P although never left(even though he become Left)the party.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Clarence Thomas just had one accuser yet he got the mark of Cain.

As we see disillusion of an American icon,Bill Cosby as sexaul miscreant nobody mention Clarence Thomas and how mark of Cain was put upon him,despite the fact he had only one accuser,which doesn't fit the pattern of sexaul miscreant,Cosby does,henceforth,many woman(curiously all White) have come of wood work stating they were rape by Cosby and there stories are pretty much the same.
So why did so many tar and feather Thomas when he didn't fit the pattern? Politics for one,but also he thought for himself ,many believe it isn't proper for Black man to think the way Thomas did.How outrage but many liberals ain't!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Obama policies hurt the poor.

Got a letter to the editor published today (11/19/14) in the Record(the largest paper in Northern New Jersey).The headline the paper give to my letter was,"Obama policies hurt the Poor" and showed a picture of Obama.This is what appear in the paper,"Regarding"GOP didn't win on the issue"(a previous letter,that appeared on 11/17/14, to the editor,my letter in part was responding to):"I don't know what planet the writer lives on,but it ain't this one.He fails to understand that we live in a time of great economic angst,in part because of President Obama's trickle-down economic policies.
That program has nothing to do with tax policy,but rather with monetary policy.The Federal Reserve policy of just about zero interest rates,in effect ,gives money to the rich.Henceforth,the stock market goes up and up,but ordinary people cannot save money because interest are so low.So wages go down and down.Henceforth,we see a dramatic tranfer of wealth as the rich getricher,the poor get poorer and middle class disappears."

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lewis Strauss the Jew who stabbed in back by the Jewish establishmet because he was an American patriot.

Lewis Strauss the Jew who was stabbed in the back by the Jewish establishment because he was an American patriot.Who was Lewis Strauss? A name now long forgotten,but back 1950's he was sore point to the America Left,because he worked hard,as Chairman of the U.s Atom Enerty commision,to revolve security clearance for Robert Oppenheimer.The Left's payback came when the U.S Senate voted 49 to 46 to reject Strauss appointed to be Sec,of Commerce a postion he was qualified for;after all,he had been a businessman,a financier,indeed,he was associated with Kuhn Loeb& Co. since 1919 and become partner in 1929 untill 1946 when resigned.In a sense it's not unlike what happen to Nixon with watergate.Nixon exposed Alger Hiss as Communist he was,henceforth,watergate was payback from the Left.
Now strange thing with Strauss's defeat was many anti-semites wanted him to go down to defeat, but so did many in Jewish establishment,indeed,politics makes for strange bedfellows.For many Jews,not all and not so much today,believed wrongly that the holocaust was cause by Christians to wipe out the Jews.But truth is Nazism had nothing to do with Christianity,but rather glorification of Germany Race and State,the irony here is Communism also glorified the State,yet during that time many Jews saw Soviet Union as friend of Jews,proving Jews when it comes to politics aren't very bright.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Is George H. W. Bush making a comeback?

Is George H.W Bush making a comeback? Class is class and elder Bush has class(so does his son).a few months ago CNN did program 41 on 41,41 people who knew 41(the elder Bush) told stories about this stateman.One that surprise me was Gabe Pressman,a liberal Jew for years Mr.Media for New York City.While Gabe told story of a piece that appear in New York magazine named the ten most underated people in New York.Both Pressma and Bush named list.At this time Bush was our ambassador to U.N and living at the Waldorf Astoria.Well,Bush invited the nine others that make the list to party in his home at the Waldorf Astoria.Pressman and Bush have remain friends over years,to point where Bush felt comfortable and Pressman took in right sprites,when Bush was Vice-President he sent Pressman note about the party and wrote while most of us didn't deserve the honor you most definitely did.
Of course,this week George W. Bush(the younger) has wrotten book on his dad.He's been all over air waves,it's loving book puts to shame Oliver Stone movie W,which a bunch of bull,but what expect Stone,since he uaually is,stoned that is.The Bush's are classic act,real patriots!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Is Tom Brokaw a liar? Is Glenn Beck the new Morton Downey?

Is Tom Brokaw a liar or does he just play one on T.V? Brokaw was asked why the Dems did so bad in last election? His answer was Obama was being hammer 24/7 by Fox News.He seem to forget his network and the two major network and New York Time and Washington Post hammer George Bush,and Republicans 24/7.But this isn't lie,he went on say some radio talk show in the midwest said something about Obama supports and excrement.The tale tell sign that he was lying is he didn't know the person name:also it show him a bit of snob and ashamed of his roots,again the tell tale sign was the midwest,obviously he thinks people from mid-west of bigots,curious since he was born South Dakota,but he's been in rarefied air of media world(places like L.A and Manhattan) so long,and grown rich there(worth 70 million) that he looks down on his roots.
Is Glenn Beck the new Morton Downey? Remembering Morton Downey late 1980's before Rush was raising star of Right-wing had T.V show;however it all come a tumbling down when expose as a fake when he claim Nazis shave his head and beat him up in a San Francisco airport.Glenn Beck now claims he has mysterious disease.To me it sounds phony and if it is and exposed will he have same fate as Morton Downey?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Give the devil his due.

Give the devil(Putin) his due for he understands politics far more than Obama.He understands politics is drama it's what makes history.That is why he is eating Obama's lunch in the Asia summit.

I got a letter to the editor published today in the NY Post on Reagan winning the Cold War.

I got a letter to the editor published today(11/11/14) in the New York Post on Reagan winning the Cold War! It's under general headline REMEMBERING THE WALL,and this is what appear of my writing in the New York Post today:"Despite what sophisticated simpletons and the Left-wing conformists say,Communism went down to defeat because of Ronald Reagan.
Indeed,when a war is won without firing a bullet,that's a pretty remarkable thing and was done by a remarkable man.There is a mystique about Reagan that goes unnoticed by our stupid media and academia."

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Nazi proved Gays were good fighters.

Believe or not,in a world turned upside down,in the beginning the Nazi party heart and soul was dominated by Gays.For Ernst Rohm veracious homosexual,was in early years almost number two number in the Nazi.He was ahead of the S.A(later the it would become S.S) the Nazi bully boys who terorist opponents and much of S.A was make of Gays.Often with fail bodies,but toughness and meanness,that lead butial force,indeed,there appear was bedeviling.But as Hitler gain power he seek a respectable from Germany society,so knew he had to rid Rohem,despite being good friends with him and Rohm was one of Hitler earliest supported they were very close(although I don't think sexually).
So after the night of long knives in 1934 Rohm arrested and many month later was killed,Hitler had hoped he would commit suicide but to Hitler's chagrin he didn't, hence, Hitler had him killed.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Rush Limbaugh is wrong again!

Listening to Rush Limbaugh's show this afternoon,just after noon,he properly castrated the Democrats for using the race card in the South,but then showed himself to be an ignorant slob when he said the only member of KKK was Democrat Sheets(Robert) Byrd.Wrong! Yes,most if not all members of KKK, and there have been many, who served in Congress were Democrats and most famous was not Byrd,but rather,was Associated Justice Hugo Black,who before becoming a judge on Supreme Court have been a Senator from Alabama and yes he had been a member of KKK which did become an issue during his confirmation hearing.Black sworn up and down President Franklin Roosevelt(FDR) didn't know he had been a member of the KKK;however, on his death bed Black amitted he told FDR and Roosevelt told him not worry about it for had many friend in that organiztion.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Karl Rove and George W. Bush understood something Rush Limbaugh will never get.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't get the country is moving to the Left.Largely because of a aging population,the conservatives of eighties are now facing old age and want their medicare and Social Security.Rove and Bush understood this,this why they push throw a prescription drug program for medicare and the Right howled,not understanding how the country has change,old people want government to paid their bills,yes they maybe culturally conservatives,but fear of eating dog food and living on street has turn them Left.Yes,the Republicans will win big on Tuesday,but giving them relief before slaughter that comes 2016 unless they change from high Limbaugh right to appeal to the old folks,who like government largess.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Something is rotten in I.R.S

Yesterday,I recieved a notice from I.R.S.It wasn't a bill but I.R.S stated I had under reported my income.That didn't bother me,maybe there wrong or right,for have dyslexia and I not the most organize person in the world and have many small amount of dividend income who's statements can be easily lost.What disturbed this morning as watch T.V,I have caller I.D it appears on T.V screen as a call from public phone,hencforth,I answer and it recording staing I being sueed by the I.R.S give number to call them.Well,I hang up phone,I have dyslexia but doesn't mean I stupid(something I wish the world would understand)I smell a scam.So try to contact I.R.S to inform something maybe a miss in there organization.But it's impossible,I go line looking for a number and nothing but confussion.Then I called the 800 number on the notice and put hold it seems forevermore,finally I get tried of waiting, so try the number for general inspector office,get Philadelphia number the man isn't in,leave  a message he hasn't gotten back to me yet and don't know if he's right person to contact!
I have high blood pressure,this last thing need.I know I get too upset over such things,but I feel my government is at the best is indifference to my problems,and at the worst is hostile.I mean,try to be good citizen,indeed,that's why running for city council in Fort Lee(tecnically Fort Lee is a borough),New Jersey.For love my country but there are times I think why am I put through the ringer,people far less then me are giving breaks in this society while society wants to break me.Now I am at the end of the road,I'm 61 years old and having dysleixia with a Jewish mother was too to deal with-boy life is unfair and fear someday I would be homeless and destitute!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Now that we need you where are you Orde Wingate?

Unfortunately his body lies in Arlington National Cemetery.For was killed in a plane in Burma in 1944 fighting the Japanese.For he understand the only way to fight the Japanese in Burma was by counter penetration,so he organize and started the Chindits-specially trained jungle-fighters.
Wingate had gained experience organizing special forces in Palestine(now Israel) in 1936-1939-the Jewish 'Night Squads' against the Arabs.Indeed,in a way,Wingate was father of the Israeli military for Moshe Dayan was a student of Wingate.The British authorities in Palestine sent Wingate packing in 1939 because he was seems as too pro-Jewish and indeed he was Christian Zionist. 
Wingate was a military genius who understand guerrilla and counter-insurgency warfare and boy could we use him now!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The house of Saud divided?

The house of Saud divided? On Fox Business News,Maria Bartiromo(I believe once the money honey) Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal( of Kingdom Holding and he ,is in a way,the Arab Warren Buffett) took issue if Saudi policy of driving down the price of oil.The belief is the Saudi want to punish the Iranians,Russians and Venezuela,who are on verge of break down anyway.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

C.E.O of Total,French oil company dies in plane crash in Russian.

C.E.O Christophe de Margerie of Total(a French Oil Company one biggest in the world)dies in a plane crash in Moscow.Suspicious? I don't know the story is the plane ran into snow removal equipment.But I am reminded not that long a Polish plane crash in Russian,it was full of Polish officals,including the President,to mark the occasion of Polish soldiers being murdered by the Soviets in World War Two.It was supposed be investigated but I have heard nothing came about the investigation.Any time now Putin is the man in Russian there is crash of plane with somebody important red flags should go up. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Re dux 2008 with the false belief in decoupling and is breaking up hard to do for the Euro?

Re dux 2008 with the false belief in decoupling from Europe.Is breaking up hard to do with Euro?
Back 2008 before financial collapse,many went on air and said not worry about Europe because there is decoupling from Europe but then the deck of cards tumbling down and world face a derepression.Save by FED and other central bank? Anybodies guess,but truth is financial have become addicted to easy money.
Paul Krugman said it's circa 1937.Which is interesting because people like myself on the Right,will say 1937 proves the New Deal a failure,however,Paul Krugman the New Deal didn't go far enough.Interest book on the subject,"The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes.She takes my poition that New Deal was a failure.
Much talk about Europe's different cultures,I heard it describe as the Teutonic North verse Club Med(Southern Europe).Italy is the trouble spot now,it seems,may be it will pull out Euro.But Germany needs the Euro because it live on export and the Mark would valued much higher,hence,more expensive good from Germany maybe leads to less buying of there goods.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Will the drop in the price of oil do to Putin what West couldn't?

Will the drop in the price of oil do to Putin What couldn't? Just few weeks ago,Senator John McCain said,"Russian was gas station in lieu of country".Because the Stock Market in New York and around world is tanking,and U.S teasury 10 years have interest now below 2 percent,German Government bond are below one percent the criss in Russian has gone unnotice.Currency controls won't solve the Russians problems but pain cause by the sanctions or slide in the price of oil?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Stephen Roach,a Yale Proffessor, weather he knows it or not, is advocating Say's Law

STephen,a Yale Professor weather he knows or not,is advocating Say's Law.For heard the Professor say on T.V for thirty or forty the American economy has depended on consumer spending not saving and investment and it's about time we save more and invest more,eching Say's Law.For Say's Law says saving equals investment,which mean you produce more hence you create demand.
Say's Law is a apostasy to much of the academic economic world.You see,unless you are blind,the economic academic world has there God John Maynard Keynes,who believe it's demand stupid,consumer spending is what drive an economy,henceforth,Americans save little alway living on the edge,perhap Say's Law should be in the choir of academic men.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Martin Feldstein says Europe sick man of world economy,however, U.S should grew 3 to 3.5 percent

I saw Martin Feldstein(Ronald Reagan's chief economist and note Harvard Economic Professor) on Bloomberg T.V the other day.He said,Europe was the sick man of world economy,but it'a effect on U.S economy is very slim,pointing out only about 15% of U.S economy depends on foreign trade,and of course not all trade is with Europe,he went on say the U.S economy should 3 to 3 and half percent a year.
I remember at the beginning of the Obama Administration how Sean Hannity lied about Martin Feldstein and perhaps trying to appeal the anti-semitics in his audience.When Obama  appointed Martin Feldstein to the Economic Recovery Advisory Board(one of those phony things politicians do make boards that are meanless,indeed,I think you court the time meet on hand in six years)Hannity went on rant,on how Feldstein was on the board of A.I.G(which was true,but he went on how Obama and Feldstein were close buddies,what a lie! Feldstein and Obama never had private in their lives and Feldstein is very much a critic of Obama's economic policies.
Now Hannity might have appealing to anti-semitics in his audience,but he is very Pro-Israel.A few weeks ago he visited Israel and said sometime quite misleading.He was describing a Kibbutz as some sort of village,but a Kibbutz is a collective farm.But Hannity to tell truth would be a problem since denounces collectivism all time.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Is Obama another Neville Chamberlain or Herbert Asquith?

Is Obama another Neville Chamberlain or Herbert Asquith? For there are similar with all three men,all poor war leader,lacking inspiration to lead,indeed,their hearts weren't  the fight at least in Obama's and Chamberlain against evil -World War One(WW1) not so easy to tell the good guys from bad.
All three were more interested in domestic policy then foreign policy.Indeed,if Asquith wasn't such a lackluster leader in WW1 his role history might him a great man,or one that affected the modern world.For he instituted Old Age Pension and national health insurance,forerunner of the Welfare State.
History too might have treated Chamberlain differently if not policy of Appeasement and the Munich Agreement.For domestic Chamberlain was a reform,for example when he was Minister of Health he got rid of Poor Laws and replace with far more humane Unemployment Assistance.
Now how history judge Obama? The feckless way he has dealt with the Jihadist,I think will overshadow any good he has done.
Of course,I always like what Churchill about history.When ask how does he think history will treat him? Churchill came up with a gem:  for said,"history will treat quite well,for I shall write it."

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

IMF gloomy Japanese like Hong Kong to invest and sell Germany

IMF gloomy about economy growth.Japenese like Hong Kong(believe or not) to put their money in,selling assets in Germany.Of course,the Japanese own about billion in U.S Governments bond, foreign second largest holder of U.S Bonds,of course Ciana(the middle Kingdom) is largest foreign holder.U.S Banks hold a lot U.S Government Bond to meet tougher require requires,but couther the FED easy money policy but does save money for U.S Government because demand is higher that nature,hence,price is higher than should be,which keeps the interest on bonds lower.However the bank get very little return for income on the bonds,plus it ties up capital which bank could lend out.

Monday, October 6, 2014

U.S.A strong jobs report,however,wages are flat and many have left looking for work.

U.S.A strong jobs report,however,wages are flat and many have stop looking for work or drop out finding work.Less pressure on the Federal Reserve System to raise interest,despite that U.S Dollar is gaining strength economics is no longer the science dismay,but rather,confusion.
M&A activity seems on rise,why? Stock cheap,assets cheap? It doesn't seem so,but all relative and so is valuation.It's hard to know what's up with the economy,henceforth,how to make money!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bond king dethroned,did Bill Gross gross out Pimco?

Bond king dethroned,did Bill Gross gross out Pimco? Big news,but neither David Tepper or Warren Buffett think so,Bill Gross his left Pimco,no doubt just before firing squad,and has made a safe landing at Janus.
Now in the economy there dichotomy,the Federal Reserve System(the FED) is giving money away to banks,hoping the banks will start lending more,so there be more investment in factories,plants and equipment creating jobs.The trouble is at same time the FED is giving money aways to the bank it insist on higher reserve requirements,which makes money tighter,along all fines the government is putting on the bank and less is likely to lend out.
When people talk about the money supply they just think in term of interest rates,not velocity of money(how quickly it turn over) ,indeed,you can have zero interest(and some extent that's what we have today)but people don't turn over the money(spent it,or invest it) the money supply isn't going increase,henceforth,interest rates become irrevent and this a sign of weak economy.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hong Kong cries for freedom but is anyone listening

Hong Kong cries for freedom but is anyone listening? The people Hong Kong want to open the door again so they cry out.It's obvious Beijing doesn't know what to do,but I think they will play a waiting game,hoping passions will cool down,knowing the outside world won't lift a finger to help the people of Hong Kong gain there freedom back.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

A world of double standards

We can not pick and choose what parts of world we use a standard.WE can not say, we will have an African standard in African,an Asian standard in Asia and British standard in America.We do not have that choice to make,henceforth, we must be consistent with ourselves everywhere.All governments are influenced by public opinion,but public is often asleep,or stuck in there little world letting others rule the roost.People have to come alive and take part in politics otherwise they lose freedom and if you don't take part you deserve to lose you freedom.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I lost my health insurance because of Obamacare

I lost my health insurance because of Obamacare.I don't know what to do,I'm in a pickle and very much dill,the government hasn't sent me G-D damn thing.I'm ranning coucil in Fort Lee there is debate on Oct. the first,which I will be a player,my health insurance rans out that day with my luck I'll have heart attack that day and medial bill will drive to street thank you President Obama I would lived a nice if it wasn't you.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Now who's going to clean up the mess in Venezuela now that Clorox is leaving?

Now who's going to clean up the mess in Venezuela now that Clorox is leaving? Because of fix price controls,Clorox can't make money,henceforth,they are saying good-bye to Venezuela.Communism is road to hell,but dummies marching Wall Street today supposedly for climate change(since dawn of time climate has change,every day,hour,minute,or second) but in reality they are against capitalism and for communism.It has work out so well in Venezuela or any place else it's been tried!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Who was the Southern governor who win in part because the KKK endorse him,but later on he back Obama President.

Who was the Southern Governor who win in part because the KKK endorse him,however,later on he supported Barack Obama for President? George Wallace? No,indeed,he beat Wallace for Governor of Alabama in 1958.After that,Wallace said I'll will never be n_gered of out again and running as champion of segregation Wallace win governship in 1962.The man who beat Wallace in 1958 was John Malcolm Patterson.
I just saw film,"The Phenix City Story" it was about to bring justice,if you will,law and order to Phenix City Alabama,which at time was know as sin capital of the South.It was corrupt beyond belief.Run by criminals,however both John Patterson and his father Albert Patterson took the criminals,with belief that all it takes for evil triumph is for good men to do nothing.Albert run for A.G in Alabama and win the Democratic nomimation,which in those days was tantamount to being elected,however,he was assassinated and his son John took his place and become the Attorney General of Alabama.In 1958 he ran for governor and win with the help of KKK.But as world turn so must have Patterson for in 2008,believe or not,he supported Barack Obama for President.When he was Governor he was a hard core segregationist,however,the day Obama was sworn in Patterson said integration was a non-starter in Alabama at the time.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sarkozy is back!

After spending time in London town,making money,almost in slammer when the French authorities beckon him home to face the police,but nothing happen,no indictment,no crime.Now Sarkozy in the game of French politics,running way ahead of the current French President,behind the horrendous clan of Penn.Actually the daughter is the ass the father was,however,too much bagage with name of Penn.Nobody is close to 50% needed to win so ran off and if it's Sarkory against Penn,Sarkozy will be President again.

O ye'll tak' the high road,and Ah'll tak' the low road.And Ah'll be in Scotlan' afore ye.

O ye'll tak' the high road,and Ah'll tak' the low road.Ah'll be in Scotlan' afore ye.
Now Scotland will stay in the U.K all will right with world.For movements(maybe bowel movements)for independence in places like Quebec(I was in Quebec city in 1969 what beautiful city,very European) Cataluna,many other places have be dishearten.The whole stays and waters are calm.The break up of free nation is bad thing!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How did the land of John Knox's become so Left-wing?

How did the land(Scotland) of John Knox become so Left-wing? Of course,tomorrow Scotland votes weather or not to leave the U.K. It's interesting the Tories only one seat in Scotland out around 70 seats.Labor will lose big if Scotland goes it's own.But how did Scotland become Socialist?Presbyterian Scotland is last place you think Karl Marx would made an inprint,but it happen.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post.

Got a letter to the editor published today(9/14/14) in the New York Post.
It's titled,"A fool's bet."
This is what wrote and appeared in the paper,"Casinos for New York is a road to nowhere.
Only a person living a fool's paradise believe casinos can solve New York's problems of over-taxation and spending.
Just look at Atlantic City,once a crown jewel ,now a begger.People were promised that casinos would save Atlantic City,but it's a Jericho with the walls tumbling down."

Bruce Morton R.I.P

Bruce Morton died the other day,he was newsman who work for CBS and CNN.He had a very distinguished voice.I had two experience with him many years apart:the first was like most newsmen he was man of left,henceforth,I wrote a letter to and said you went to Harvard,the Crimson Tide proving you are red.To his credit he wrote back and said the Crimson Tide was plenty good but how about the University of  Alabama? That was early nineteen eighties about 15 years later I was working for J.G Wentworth,buying privately held mortgage note and Bruce Morton speak to him had nice but short conversation,he didn't sell his note.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ian Paisley R.I.P

Today the once hard line Unionist,Protestant leader Ian Paisley died.Indeed,he was symbol Ulsterman's defiance against Catholic advancement and strong believer in British rule.Towards end to did deal with Catholic become First Minister of Northern Ireland.
He come to mind as watch French Tv and mention his death.Also a few days ago,I was watch the House of Commons in U.K and heard his son Ian Paisley,on question time,tell the Prime Minister,he's not the only one not expecting any honors from the Pope.The House went up in laugher.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The reversal of the Darien Scheme maybe coming soon!

The failure of the Darien Scheme is why Scotland is part of Great Britain.The Darien Scheme,a plan for foundation of a Scottish colony in Central America.The colony would be manage by the Company of Scotland.A threat to English trade,especially upset the Wings in England.With Spanish opposition,underfunding and mismanagement the Scheme went burst.The English government agree to bail out Scotland,but proviso was Scotland to eliminate it's parliament and join the British Union which was done 1707.In 1979 the Scottish parliament was brought back life,under devolution.Soon it vote whether to stay in union and look like the Scots will vote to separate from the union.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Martin Luther perhaps most underated man in history

The Catholic church,in a way,pick up pieces from Roman Empire,indeed,one could say it came alive from the skeleton of the Roman Empire.For after collapse of the Roman Empire,there was vacuum in the world,what governments did the church began to do but schism began about power of church and it's doctrines.There was John Wyclif in England and John Huss in Bohemia.The man of the hour,who come just at the right time Martin Luther.Luther proves a man with conviction,at the right time history can change the world.The belief that people can touch God without without priest.
Protestantism,in a way,set stage for American Democracy:distrust of centralized government and citizens have right to protest all from Protestantism.Without Luther maybe we would still be dark ages!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Saw the film Young Winston today excellent!

Saw the film Young Winston today excellent. I think it was made in late nineteen sixties,curiously Jane Seymour and Anthony Hopkins had small parts in movie,Hopkins played Lloyd George.Anne Bancroft played Jennie Jerome Churchill and Simon Ward played Winston Churchill did great job especially the voice,of course Churchill distinct voice,very dramatic,his pauses,the way emphasize words,his hesitation,a master of spoken word and written word too.Churchill was true genius,yet he did very badly in school,I can relate to that.
His father was broken man,failed politician,and took it out Winston,who love his father,indeed,idioized him.But accord movie andthe book "Churchill Speaks 1897-1963 edited by Robert Rhodes James,M.P on page 4 "Churcill was twenty years of age when Lord Randolph Churchill died at the age of forty-five.All attempts by the son for a close relationship had been brusquely rejected;nevertheless,the influence of Lord Randolph  shaped Churchill's character,impelled him towards a political career,and dominated his early attitudes."
That comes acrossed very clearly in film.He could not please his father,who put him down as not to meet the standard of  his class. 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

As a matter of practical necessity,socialist democracy may eventually turn out to be more of a sham than capitalist democracy ever was.

As a matter of practical necessity,socialist democracy may eventually turn out to be more of a sham than capitalist democracy ever was.Wow! Who's words are there? Not mind,I wish they were,but not to be.The words are from Joseph Alois Schumpeter in his book Capitalism,Socialism and Democracy published in 1942.Schumpeter was Austrian born Economist(he was the Austrian minister of finance 1919-20).In 1932 he come to America(don't know if Jewish or not,but do think left because the Nazi)he became an American citizen.
I also think he came the idea of creative destruction.Another good ideas,indeed,creative thinking can shake the world and not always in way,at least stort ranAn example of this would be Suez Canal.It made tranportion of good much cheaper,a good thing.Right? But things got so cheap that business can't made a profit,hence world wide depression.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Obamaomics the fat cats get fatter(the Rich get richer) and poor get poorer.

Obamanomics the fat cats get fatter(the rich get richer) and poor get poorer.In this make believe world we live in,the ironic thing is politicians like Obama rail against economic inequality yet the master of class warfare has divided us more with classes of only the rich and poor.
America is coming more like third world country,dominated by the super rich,but clocks it's self in a new just socialism! It's game losted is America of it's roots:thelove freedom,the befief in our self,befief in consent of govern.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Lady Macbeth defence didn't work so well for former Governor of Virginia McDonnell

The Lady Macbeth defence didn't work so well for former Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell.Both him and wife,what fine pair there are,were found guilty on many charges,henceforth,McDonnell will go from Governor's house,not really he's former Governor now separated from his wife,he's with his parish priest,to the big house,sentencing in few,could spend many years in jail both him and his wife.
What a shame,indeed,a Shakespearean tragedy! Once a pond time,dynamic McDonnell,who had that military bearing was maybe future Vice-President or President.Did fine job in State of Union rebuttal a few years ago,indeed,had great future know all lost,disgrace man going to jail.

Redux the West to support Bashar al-Assad like we supported Stalin.

Redux the West to support Bashar al-Assad like we supported Stalin.ISIS is proving politics ,indeed,
makes strange bedfellows.Much talk about joining fight against ISIS with Syria and Iran our arch enemies but ISIS is worst.It's like World War Two the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed pact of friendship,but then Hitler attack the Soviet Union,henceforth,we invited the Soviet Union to join the fray our enemies become allies we give them arm and fight with them defeat Nazism.Is history now repeating it's self?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The T.V Program Law and Order gives out misinformation

The T.V Program Law and Order gives out misinformation.Last night I saw an episode of Law Order,it was very entertaining,but leftist information which was obvious and deceitful.It was program that shown how the members of lawenforement reacted to seeing the death penefy in effect.Detective Curtis(played by Benjamin Bratt) meets this bimbo in the park,she goes on how Dole is old,Curtis says he like Dole because he will be easy for Clinton to beat.She said,oh a Wall Street guy that Democatic,like that was rare thing in 1990'S.The true is most likely Clinton got more money from Wall Street then Dole and by 1990's maybe half of Wall Street was Democrats.Now it's true once a pond time Wall Street was dominated Republicans but when Wall Street become more Jewish the poitics changed.
Then they had the teacher by was murdered,a tape of her lecture,and said the American Revolution was started by the middle over unfair taxes.But truth is American Revolution was started mostly by the upper class,people that felt they were disrespected the British authorities.
As far as,unfair taxes well that would depend on point of view! To the British they were heavily debt over the the Seven Year War(sometimes called the French Indian War) and thought the American Colonies should pay part of paying off that debt.They thought the Colonies had own them since save them from dastardly French Catholics.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The world must be upside down,when Socialist attack Zionism.

The world must be upside down,when Socialist attack Zionism.For Zionism was born out Socialism,indeed,for long time the Kibbutz,collective farming like did in Soviet Union and when Gorbachev visited Israel he said Kibbutz was real communism and it works,was symbol Zionism.
Curious when the Right-wing America talk show host,who is very pro-Israel, Sean Hannity describe
a Kibbutz as a village.
Anyway,I was watch the British parliament debating today,it was mainly fighting ISIS but so many of P.M's in Labor would rather fight Israel and,of course,Labor is the Socialist party in Britain.Even a labor member who I think was Jewish,his name was  Kaufman and he represents Manchester,which may be has large Muslim population,I don't know.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Joan River her loss is no great loss for good manners.

I just listening to Sid Rosenberg on the WFAN,I like Sid but praised Joan Rivers and way he spoke I think she's dead.If she is it's no great loss for good manner.She was rude and crude and not very funny.I think a bit of phoney.How she had long career in show business is beyond me.I know her husband committed suicide, well if you were marry to her you do same think.A no talent,ill manered woman has gone no tears from me!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is Rush Limbaugh back on drugs?

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh's radio show,indeed,I must be gluten for punishment,for he is so full of himself and it,you the stuff that doesn't smell too good.But listening to his program opening even for Limbaugh it was like listening to twilight zone.Unreal would be an understatement,for Limbaugh claim the media had stop polling because it would show a wave election for Republicans and that Obama's approving rate was off the charts bad.But polls are shown and aired in media everyday,so what is this clown talking about? Maybe he's back on drugs!
Limbaugh reminds of my mother,who was pathological liar.This is not first time Limbaugh has been off the rail.I remember when the C.E.O of Goldman Sachs was testifying in front of Senate Committee.Limbaugh claimed there was conspiracy,including Fox,to blackout the hearing.Well nothing could be further from truth,all cable networks,including Fox and it's business network,covered the hearing live,indeed,before I tone into Limbaugh I saw the hearing live both Fox News and Business News and CNN.I mean,sometime makes stuff up out of whole cloth and he's most popular radio talk show host.He hurts the Conservative movement because he says so many untruths and stupid things.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Is James Foley the American David(Don) Pacifico?

Is James Foley the American David(Don) Pacifico? Who was David,know as Don,Pacifico? He was a Gibraltar born merchant whose property had been destroyed in 1847 in riots in Athens against the Greek government.What's that old saying the more things change the more they don't.Anyway,Don Pacifico was a British subject,who appealed to Foreign Minister Henry Temple the third Viscount Palmerston,Anglo-Irish aristocratic,for help.Lord Palmerston ordered the fleet to Athens and threatened to bombard the city if the Don's claims were not satisfied.The Greeks caved!
Palmerston took much fire at home,men like Cobden,Bright(who once said about Disaeli,"He is a self-made man and worships his creator")and Gladstone protest Palmerston action saying it was Gunboat Diplomacy.Palmerston defended himself by saying,"A British subject,in whatever land he may be,shall feel confident that the watchful eye and the strong arm of England will project him against injustice and wrong."
Too bad we don't have stateman Palmerston anymore,indeed,I fear the murder of James Foley will never to hold to account for his crime.

Does the President have Syria or Golf on his mind?

In the ebb and flow of events,history is often made often by man pull in the hysteria.Leader can be sucker punch into action nominally never do.Obama's dilemma is he is seem as soft,a paper tiger,that can be rolled.Putin has made fool of Obama,like he did with Bush,but Bush was seem a man you don't fool him,indeed,he will send boots on ground.Obama like so many leader after World War One sees conflict as losing game,hower,he's losing he's grip on the White House,henceforth,he just may go to war in Syria,that is,if golf doesn't get in the way!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Shake up in French Government.Israel in about face cuts interest rates.

The French cabinet either quit or fired by the President of France.France is now governed by Fifth Republic,a concoction that Charles de Gaulle came up with,for made the President all power but leave the day to day operations of the government with the Prime Minister and cabinet who are answered to the President.Foreign affairs are purview of the President,despite having Foreign Minister in the cabinet.
In 1958 France was at the verge of civil war over the Algerian Gaulle was seem also man to hold the country together.He demand extraordinary power to kept country hold,hence,the Fifth Republic was born.
Israel,Norway and Australia have taken hard line kepting there interest rate upper then Europe,the U.K and U.S.However now chance of course,in the land of milk and honey,henceforth,Iarael is cutting rates.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ferguson Missouri brings out the worst in America the racial divide

Ferguson Missouri brings out the worst in America the racial divide.Anytime a White shoots a Black it's big news in America,maybe because it's rare,or maybe of media bias,or white man's guilt.When such shooting occur most Blacks,ironically,have lynch mentality and most Whites no matter how looney the white shooter seems comes to his defend.George Zimmerman was lunatic,however,he had no intent to kill,he just wanted to be a hero,bit off more than he could chew,panic and kill the young man,henceforth,he shouldn't been charge with murder,manslaughter yes and should been found guilty of manslaughter.The Cop in Ferguson seem to have what is know of the evidence is against him.Even if the young man charge him, attack him did he have shoot him 6 times? I mean,couldn't he uses his fists,or billy club,or pepper stray?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Will Romney pull a Nixon?

Will Romney pull a Nixon? Tonight I was watching the Brian Lamb show on c-span and had Pat Buchanan as a guess.Buchanan is something of fool,but interest man,honest to a fault.He has just written a book on Nixon's comeback in 1968.Of couse,after his defeat in 1962 Calfornia governor's race Nixon was finish.On Lamb's show they shown Nixon infamous press conference a day after losing the Governors race,Nixon finish by saying this,"But as I leave you,I want you to know-just think how much you're going to be missing.You won't have Nixon to kick around any more,because gentleman ,this is my last press conference"
But like Napoleon,Nixon return from political exile to wear the crown.Can Romney do the same? Last year when Ilooked in Romney's face I saw a lot of Richard Nixon,I also saw a lot father George in his face.Some combination George Romney and Richard Nixon.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is Bull market over or does it still have legs or I'm full of bull?

It's strange world we live in,much dissatisfaction in public psych,the feeling is the world is going hell in hand basket,however,the stock market goes up and up.How come? Well there deja vu,we've been there before and world is still here and good time do come.Also profit are driving stock market companies are making more with less revenues.This might explain why the unemployment remain high despite the recovery.
Today in Wall Journal in the money & investing section front page there is graph showing from 1990 to today the Price earning ratio(P/E) for the stock market it shows when the bull ended in 2000 the P/E ratio was 30 today it's 17 the avg. is 15 so maybe the bull of today has legs.
The fact companies are making more money with less revenues mean there are more efficient.Good thing? Well,it mean they employ less people it's what Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction
yes it leads to unemployment,but lowwer and better goods,in long ran it's good for economy;however,Iam remeber what John Maynard Keynes said,"in the long ran we are all dead."

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published today(8/13/14) in the NY Daily News on Robin Williams.

Got a letter to the editor published today(8/13/14) in the New York Daily News on Robin Williams.This is what I wrote that appeared in the paper,"Deep in our souls we search for the light side,and comics like Robin Williams give it to us.He lives on through movies,TV screens and mordern devices that old dinosaurs like me don't understand.It's ironic that comics like Williams who give us the light are such dark characters themselves,troubled by demons of the mind.What a talent Williams was,not only a great comic but a very underrated actor.
Indeed,one of my favorite movies is "Dead Poets Society" where he was masterful as an inspiring young English teacher whose good work leads to tragedy-which speaks to Williams' life and the joy it give us."   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Two different concept of war.

In today's world,there are two different concept of war.One in west,which believes in clean wars(i.e no citizen harm and rest world, particularly the Muslim world, believe in total war where citizens are seem as soldiers.We see this in Middle East coverage,the West is outraged with Israel because of all the citizens death of Palestinians,I guarantee Hamas doesn't see that way,to them citizens are soldiers they live expendable for the cause.
Now clean war,is new idea in West.I think it started in Vietnam War America was held to higher standard the Vietcong,like hamas saw citizens as soldiers and of course they win.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Forty years ago they shot down the eagle

Forty years ago they shot down the eagle.The eagle,of course,was Richard Nixon the Left had to destroy him for Alger Hiss,the Soviet  Agent who was expose by Nixon.THe Left never forgot Nixon for this Hiss was there darling,a New Dealer,a Harvard Man,a man of letters.But was a Soviet Agent,henceforth,Left got back at Nixon by a coup called Watergate.The mastermind was mostly a Jewish Left-wing banker Felix Rohatyn.He gain entree into the Nixon Administration visa-a-vis,believe or not,William Casey-yes the same William Casey,who be head of C.I.A in the Reagan Administration and of course involved in so-called Iran-Contra Affair.Nixon appointed Casey to be head of the Securities and Exchange Commision,in his inauguration ceremonial he invited Rohatyn where he meet Nixon for first time.At the time,stock market was in trouble(when isn't it?)and Rohatyn was on committee to try sovle the problems,so Nixon ask Rohatyn to call John Mitchell very night and tell him what him.Rohatyn would call and invariably Mathra would answer the phone roaring drunk.
Watergate started out as anti-trust action by government against ITT.Felix(the cat) Rohatyn was on the board of ITT because his bank(an investment bank) Lazard Freres & Co. was biggest shareholder of ITT and Rohatyn become the point man for ITT in settle this matter.A deal was struck ITT would pick the tab for Republican Convention in San Diego and Government's suit against ITT would be drop.But Jack Anderson,no doubt with help,believe or not,Brit Hume,yes the same man at Fox News,broke the story,henceforth,the scandal began which lead to Richard Nixon's resignation.Curiously according to William D. Cohan book,"The Last Tycoons" it's implied that Rohatyn was going to be indicted,however,at last moment the paper work was lost-suspicious to say the least.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Tea Party candidate for Senator in Mississippi is giving Tea Party a bad name by being a sore loser.

The Tea Party candidate for Senator in Mississippi is giving the Tea Party a bad name by being a sore loser.I was listening to Mike Gallagher on radio and he was doing his show from Mississippi,he usually does it from New York,but trying stir pot for this loser McDaniel(the state senator who lost to incumbent Republican conservative Thad Cochran U.S Senator)and Thad Cochran is a real senator,not firebrand who hurts the Right.Why is Gallagher is in Mississippi they beat a dead horse.McDaniel lost get over it.McDaniel there is nothing worst spoil sport.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why do they hate Israel?

Why do they hate Israel? Well,antisemitism is the obvious and mostly the main reason but there less dastardly reasons.I think many in non-Jewish Left see Israel as apartheid South Africa,but honest many in Left loved Israel when it was land of the Kibbutz(i.e Socialism) but then it win its wars,so wave of future become a monster.Now Right,which ironically has began very pro-Israel at least in United States in the beginning of Israel was very suspicious that Jewish State was Communist tool.Indeed,Ibn Saud(king and founder of Saudi Arabia) once told his very good friend Franklin D. Roosevelt that Zionism was a Soviet trick.
One does wonder if Harry St.John Philby(the traitor Kim Philby father) influence Ibn Saud on his views on Zionism and Jews or was the other way around? St. John was pro-nazi maybe that's why he's son was a communist.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The wit and wisdom of Bob Dole.

Believe or not,this morning I was watching MSNBC'S Chuck Todd program and to my amazement it was very good.A little suspicious of Chuck Todd because calls himself a cultural Jew.I'm Jewish but don't know what culture is certainly Chuck Todd doesn't live life of orthodox Jew,indeed,I suspect his lifestyle has nothing to do with a Jew,indeed,it remember of what Israeli political scinceist once said about American Jews,"they lives like WASP and vote like Puerto Ricans",a bit unfair to Puerto Ricans who before the selfish Right-wing radio talk show host strew their poison how evil this hispanic alien invadions of America is,forgot time heals all wounds.Those same miscreants,on the public radio airwaves,who demonize Hispanic,suck up to the Jews,eventhough most Jews would hate these Right-wing motors mouths.
Anyway,Todd interviewed,a great man who should been President Bob Dole.The elder stateman look old but speak with rye of nature,indeed,I remember when he went to JKF school of government,ask the crowd how many Republicans are in this room? About two hands went up,them Dole asked about many Democrats are this room? About three hundred hands went up.Dole laugh and said we have something common,after war(World War Two) the local Democrats apporch me(Dole) to run for County Attorney and I was going to do,however, I looked across the county and saw there was twice as Republicans as Democrats so decided to run as Republican.
As remember Dole saying after 2000 Presidential election:forget all this talk about the popular vote,if I can't carry Kansas I would be very popular. Of course, Dole was refering to fact Gore won the popular vote,but lost his home state of Tennessee.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in New York Post today-about Joe Torre's snub of George Steinbrenner.

Got a letter to the editor published today in the New York Post.It was about Joe Torre giving a speech at the Hall of Fame ceremony and not mentioning(giving thanks) to George Steinbrenner in the speech.
This is what I wrote,"Steinbrenner,whether in heaven or hell,is paying for his sins,for he ain't the boss no more.
Now,to add insult to injury,he is snubbed at the Hall of Fame ceremony by Joe Torre.And one can just imagine the former boss with great ire saying:"Say it ain't so,Joe!" 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wilbur Ross to invest heavy in the Bank of Cyprus

Wilbur Ross,well know buyer of distress asset,is buying stock in the Bank of Cyprus.Of course,a few years ago the bank had liquidity problem,deposit over 100,000 euros where siege,evently the deposers were given stock in the bank.
Curiously in these time most sieges of deposit where from Russian.The Bank still has close relation with Russian,indeed,it's branches are only in Cyprus and Russian.
Interest the other day a Russian Steel company sold two plants in America to Steel Dynamic(an American Company started by Mitt Romney) for over 2 billion dollar.Now why did the Russian company do that? Maybe Putin want to move in wood have less asset out the country,or maybe the owner want to get there money out and put it in foreign bank say the Bank of Cyprus.

Is Sarah Palin crazy or crazy like a fox?

Is Sarah Palin crazy or crazy like a fox? When Sarah Palin went on Fox News about week ago and said President Obama should be impeached,I thought(which usually leads to headaches)myself Palin is either an idiot or desperately seeking attention.Well it turns out she is starting a TV Web show,charging 10 dollar a month to subscibers.So maybe she is crazy like fox.But it's all about Sarah don't you know,for Ms.Palin cares little about the conservative movement(indeed she cares more about bowl movements)or the Republican.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The great divide in the Republican Party isn't the establishment versus the conservatives no but rather the conservatives versus the populist.

The great divide in the Republican Party isn't the establishment versus the conservatives,but rather,the conservatives versus the populist. The Tea Party isn't conservatives it's populist,for example a conservatives would pro-business pro-corporate,the Tea Party is none of that,indeed,their rhetoric often sounded quite socialist.Government must brend to will,comprise is alien idea to those people of the Tea Party.Indeed,the Tea Party just maybe the death of conservatism and the Republican Party.

Argentina broke,Statoil(Norway's oil company)doubles profits,Germany confidence down.

Argentina broke,Statoil(Norway state control oil company) doubles profit,Germany's business confidence index down.
Argentina near default on bonds,so what else is new?
Statoil(Norway's state control oil company,the state doesn't own a hundred percent of Statoil,indeed,you could buy their shares on the NYSE) doubt the promise of shale oil,curious story in that a story has appeared that Scotland has much promise of shale oil,however,maybe a rumor to get people to vote for independence,North oil is at peak? What would Scotland do if separates from U.K for currency? Can't use Pound,Bank of England said no.EU says maybe not admitted to the,hence, can not use Euro as currency.
Germany confidence business index down maybe not such a wonderland.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A good time to invest in Russia?

A good time to invest in Russia? You must crazy to invest in Russia or maybe crazy as a fox? Lord Rothschild once said the time to make money is when there is blood in the street.A few weeks ago gold bug Jim Grant said Gazprom was good stock to buy.However, back in 1917 Noble sold his monopoly on Russia oil to the Rothschilds,henceforth,Russia of course had revolution and Rothschilds sold their interest to Standard Oil of New Jersey in 1922 bad deals only Noble make the smart move so somethings blood in street doesn't work out,but most times it does.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Are Rand Paul and Obama perfect together?

Are Rand Paul and Obama perfect together? I think so,both believe America should shrink from it's foreign obligation,they both see  America as an force of evil and aliens forces to democracy serve the interest of the world.Both believe in legalize drug and same sex marriage,indeed,perhaps Paul and Obama should get marry.
Now nonsense written about foreign policy,for example in my local paper the Record a columnist and from Philly(although he sounded silly)cable show guy(I think on CNN) who claims to be a conservative,but isn't wrote that Obama's foreign is like Nixon and maybe Reagan's.And heard Paul claim he's foreign is like Reagan:WHAT NONSENSE!!!
Nixon and Reagan like most American Presidents(although Reagan was most successful in history:after all when you win a war without firing a bullet that's pretty remarkable thing)were Wilsonians the opposite of Paul and Obama.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published on 7/13/14 in the (Bergen) Record.On school over crowding

On 7/13/14,Sunday I got a letter to the editor published in the (Bergen) Record.THe headline(not my words)was "Growth coming too fast in Fort Lee." This is what was published of my words:"The rise of school enrollment in Fort Lee is the beginning of the end for quality of life in the borough.
Overdevelopment is like a ticking time bomb.At first,you don't notice the difference in your community,but over time the quality that made your community unique disappears in front of your eyes,and soon you feel like a stranger in a strange land.
What you have in Fort Lee is a rush to develop without any thought about how the community will be affected by this unrestrained growth.And with one party rule in Fort Lee,there is no debate or questioning of policy.
I'm sure officials have the best intentions in mind,but as the old saying goes,"the road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Some explanations:Fort Lee has been ruled for at least twenty years by a Democratic Party machine.Last year I ran for city council,as a Republican and lost.My message was overdevelopment will ruin Fort Lee.Well,to quote a Democrat Ed Koch the people didn't vote for me,now they must be punish.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

On Monday 7/7/14 O'Reilly read a letter of my on his program.

On Monday 7/14/14 Bill O'Reilly read a letter of my on his program,at the of show he often reads e-mail he received by e-mail.This was read on the air,"Laura Ingraham's plan to round up illegal aliens for mass deportations would turn the Republican Party into the Know Nothing Party.We are not a police state."
Edited out was first line stated Ms.Laura  Ingraham should trade in her Cross for a Swastika.Laura wears a big Cross(maybe to bear) but she's mocks the Cross with nastiness,I think born out bitterness toward life because she can't have children.
Background: Laura Ingraham came on O'Reilly show a few days before my letter was read:she said all illegal aliens should deported sounds like something that the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.
A little history lesson about the Know Nothing Party:In 1840's there was much immigrants,mostly Irish Catholics and a lot people saw this as threat to the Republic,henceforth,secret societies grew though out the nation.There platform was only native born Americans should hold public office and 25 year residence qualification for citizenship.They got name Know Nothing because they were secret societies when ask to name there members they said they know nothing.
Anyway in 1850's they came out of shadows and formed a party the American Party:almost won control New York in 1854,in 1856 former President Millard Fillmore ran for President on the American Party line(the Know Nothings) only carry Maryland.The Know Nothings went same route
as the Wing over the same issue slavery-split the two parties up the middle.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Eduard Shevardnaze R.I.P

On 7/8/14 a voice for decency ,restrained and freedom from the past died,believe or not,a soviet official who was more like prince is no longer with us for Eduard Shevardnadze is die.The man  who saw evils of it's ways of the Soviet and alone with Boris Yeltsin try to bring demonica force of communism to it's heels and free the people's souls but good work is unnoticed today and much of good work has been revised.Mikhail Gorbachev(who Shevardnadze was his foreign Ministry)try saved the Soviet Union by putting a human face it,but the face was too ugly and Yeltsin and Shevardnadze saw that it was time for the Soviet Union to go,unfortunately Putin believes this was great lose for man. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Is Sarah Palin a moron or is she trying to get back in spotlight?

A few days ago,on Sean Hannity T.V show Sarah Palin said Obama should be impeached! I said,to myself(the most wise man I know) Palin is either a moran or she trying to get back spotlight! Just discussing impeaching Obama is stupid,it save Obama from himself,like the Clinton impeachment and like Senator Flake(who unlike Palin is no flake) said it would be distraction.These people on the Right never from their mistakes.This strategy of charge of Light Brigade,may be very romantic and fire in people's bellies,at the end of day your soldiers are dead! You now I admirer Ronald Reagan very much,he did so many remarkable and one was keeping the Right-wing loonies off the radar screen,unfortunately because talk radio they have reappear,hence,hurting the Republican Party and Conservative movement,which is now confused with populism.
But maybe Sarah Palin care about anything but herself? Maybe she just wants to get back in the spotlight? Norman Podhoretz-once Lefty,now a Righty- wrote in his memior "Making It"(published in 1968) you say outragous things to get notice.I mean,media will follow any fool for sensationalism because it sells.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A letter to the editor I got published today(7/8/14) in NY Post on great Presidents.

Today 7/8/14 I got letter to the editor published in the New York Post on great presidents.This is what appeared in the paper:"Reagan is not only the greatest president since World War Two,but of the 20th century.The only presidents greater than Reagan are George Washington,Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson-plus James Polk,because when you win a war without firing a bullet,that's a pretty remarkable thing.
I think both Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower should rated higher than either Clinton or Kennedy.Eisenhower,William McKinley and Polk are most underated presidents in history."

My letter was in respond to poll asking who was greatest president since World War Two.Reagan come in first,than Clinton and Kennedy.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A letter to the editor I got published in the NY Daily News on 7/4/14 about words,stirring word from Calvin Coolidge

I got a letter to the editor,published in the New York Daily News,today 7/4/14 about words,stirring words from Calvin Coolidge.This is what apeared in the paper:On this Fourth of July,our nation's birthday,I think the words of a former President born on July 4,Calvin Coolidge,define what we hope to be as Americans.
On Jan. 17, 1924 in front of the American Society of Newspaper Editors,Coolidge said these stirring words:
"It is only those who do not understand our people who believe that our people who believe that our national life is entirely absorbed by material motives.
We make no concealment of the fact that we want wealth,but there are many other things that we wantvery much more.
We want peace and honor and that charity which is so strong an element of all civilization.
The chief idea of the American people is idealism.I cannot repeat too often that America is a nation of idealists."
Wow.Where have idealists gone in America? Politics seems to be dominated by cynicism today.   

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The same people who predicted peak oil are the same people who are predicting global warming?

I wonder are same people who predicted peak oil are the same people who are now predicting global warming? I remember the energy crisis of the 1970's,long line at gas stations,high inflation and we told by the smart America's days in sun are over.But then come sunny Ronald Reagan as President and America's seems so bright,he decontroled the price oil,and after a sharp the price drop palpability,the price of barrel of oil drop to about 10 barrel,of course expert put much gloom market,indeed,stocks like Exxon were down to 30 dollar share with a dividend 3 dollar that 10 percent yield so I told mom to buy some Exxon and she did and also I first thought before recommending the purchase of Exxon,this company mut paid much of it's income to the dividend,but it wasn't case there paid about 25 percent earning in dividend,also I thought this company must have a lot,but wasn't ,indeed,at that time Exxon had no debt.30 then it's spilt a couple time it's now about 100 and it raises it's dividend every year.Best advice I ever got to mom.
Anyway back peak prediction that turn so wrong today the U.S.A is a float in oil and gas some maybe next year we will be net exports of oil,far cry from 1970's and prediction that all was lost.
Now we hear the same certainty from wise,smart people about global warming.Well,if wrong about peak oil maybe they are wrong about global warming.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in NY Daily News on 6/17/14 on the soulmates Clinton and Limbaugh

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Daily News on 6/17/14 on Hillary's Limbaugh's protray of freedom in Cuba.Here is what I wrote:"Hillary Clinton and Rush Limbaugh are kindred spirits when it comes to the Cuban embargo.For Limbaugh cigars are more important than freedom-hence,Limbaugh is full of it,and full of smoke too! Hillary is a different story,for she is,in a way,our Lady Macbeth.Indeed,power is her aphrodisiac.Henceforth,Queen Hillary is worried about that Indian princess Elizabeth Warren,whose tribe is a powerful force within the Democratic Party."  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saw last Sunday on CNN 41 on 41 was surprised to learn Bush and Pressman were friends.

Last Sunday CNN had a program 41 on 41 it was 41 people who knew President Bush(41 the elder) and there thoughts on the great man.To my surprise one 41 was Gabe Pressman,long time newsman for T.V in the New York Area.First I although thought Pressman was liberals,but a lot liberals seem to like President,for example not only President Clinton was on 41 but so was Obama was maybe that wasn't such a surprise,but Pressman is such New York guy,as he put his background was so diffrent then Bush's,Pressman was Jew from the Bronx,a working class rump,while Bush an Ivy League guy,father U.S Senator from the upper class.So what drew these opposites together? Well,it seems in nineteen seventies,when Bush was over ambassador to the U.N. A reporter write a piece for magazine the 10 most overrated New Yorkers and both Bush and Pressman made the list.So George Hebert Walker Bush invited the others to a party and that's how Pressman Bush struck a friendship.Years later when George H. W. Bush become Vice-President he sent Pressman note and ended by writing he was just lucky to made list,you(Pressman) earn it.
Got to love George H. W. Bush what a man,indeed,he is what America use to be great but didn't have to prove it!

Friday, June 20, 2014

The I.R.S commissioner disgrace himself today.

The I.R.S commissioner today come across as irorant,arrogant fool.Nobody believes he about missing e-mails I mean what's next is he going to say the dog eat the e-mails? Paul Ryan comes out looking good,now front running for G.O.P nomination.Lerner is going to lead to jail for some and if not then we own Richard Nixon an apology!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post on Cantor's defeat.

On 6/14/14 Saturday got letter to editor published in the New York Post on Cantor's defeat.This is what appeared of my letter in New York Post:"Cantor's defeat is a Pyrrhic victory for the right.If there are any more of these victories,the right will disappear from politics.
All these so-called conservatives are howling with joy like fools jumping into a sinking ship.And they are being egged on by the right-wing radio talk-show hosts,who care little about conservative victories and more about ratings.That's where the money is.
The king of the howling class is Rush Limbaugh,who cares little about freedom." 
This left out the letter,Rush Limbaugh didn't support the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square and dosn't support the embargo on Cuba,indeed,Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton are in the same boat.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Theodore Roosevelt Jr. an unsung American Hero

Theodore Roosevelt Jr. an unsung American Hero.I'm not talking about President Theodore Roosevelt(T.R) no it's his eldest son.T.R Jr.was born on 9/13/1887 the second child and first son and first child of his second wife.The first wife died giving born to Alice,the President first child,by the way the President's mother died on same day as his first wife.
In 1924 T.R Jr(the son) ran for Governor of New York against Al Smith.His cousin Eleanor campaigned against him,often whistling as Tea Pot,trying implicate young T.R Jr. in the Teapot Dome Scandal.While he was under Sec of Navy he had nothing to do with the scandal,but it work Smith was elected.Now Eleanor do feel bad and did apologize to Franklin did not,F.D.R was a rueness S.O.B who care only winning election.
When F.D.R win the Presidency and T.R Jr. was asked how did feel that his cousin was President? T.R Jr. come up with classic,he said,well I'm only a fifth cousin soon to be removed.
What makes T.R Jr. an American Hero is died on D-Day on beaches of Normandy.He didn't have to be there;after all,he was the son of former President also old man,but loved the U.S.A so he give his life for America.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor defeat is being misrepresented both by the Left-wing media and Right-wing media.

One of biggest surprised of this year's political season in the defeat of Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the primary.Nobody saw this coming,I didn't see it coming for the media didn't cover it,hence,I didn't know there was a contest.
So why did this happen? Well,the mainstream media(Left-wing will say crazy Tea Party people did him in,the Republicans are now dominated by Right-wing loonies.Both Left-wing media and Right wing point to immigration reform as culprit of Cantor defeat.The Right media protray Cantor as so sort Liberal,but that's lie,Cantor was very conservative,indeed,the whole Republican establishment is very conservative,indeed,the most in history,yet that's not what heard the loud mouth Right-wing talk radio host,like Limbaugh and Hannity who lie all the time and care little about conservatism and care only about making money!
So why did Cantor lose? Because he became complacent,or another words he lost touch with his district.He was seems by people in district as creature from Washington a man seems care little about local business.Tip O'neill since said all politics is local,while 100 percent true there a lot to that.
Did it hurt Cantor that he was Jewish? I think so,but that's not why he lost.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I got a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on 6/1/14 comparing the word of JFK and Obama.

I got a letter to the editor published in the Washington Post on 6/1/14 comparing the words of JFK and Obama.This is what of my letter in the Washington Post on 6/1/14:President Obama's speech at West Point was almost the opposite of John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech.Kennedy's speech,on the bitter cold Washington day,at the height of the Cold War,had these stirring words:"Let every nation know,whether it wishes us well or ill,that we shall pay any price,bear any burden,meet any hardship,support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival of liberty."
Now campare that with Obama's speech in which he said we won'tpay any price for liberty.Apparently,the United States is no longer Mr. Kennedy's beacon of liberty.

Gary Schwartz, Fort Lee,N.J.      

Friday, May 30, 2014

U.S economy strink by a percent,Swiss gain .5 Sweden gain of 1.9%.War at FED

U.S economy shrink by a percent,weather is blame,reminds me of the old Soviet Union whenever there was crop failure it was weather to blame.Meanwhile the Swiss economy grow by half of percent and Sweden grow by almost two percent-interest Sweden the original welfare state,socialist,however,in recent years has had a Right-wing government.
Esher George,a Fed Governor want nominalize of monetary policy,which means raising interest rate,the war on the Fed between the hawks and doves has began.
Real Estate prices up in the United States except for New York City,Manhattan co-ups took biggest hit three years,this should say something about Stock Market and U.S economy but I don't know what!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Are people that run General Motors stupid or just anti-American?

Are people that run General Motors stupid or just anti-American? I ask this question because commestral for Chevy.The ad says May is month of holidays from Cinco de Mayo(Cinco de Mayo what hell is that?) to Mothers Day-well folk how about Memorial Day?This commercial wasn't aired in Mexico or even Southwest part of the United States(and course,the Cinco de Mayo Day is being push by ant-American types who believe Southwest should be part Mexico)but shown in New York City Market.I mean,how stupid are people in General Motors to insult Americans who bail company with taxpayer dollars and now to have company spit in face of American.To forget Memorial Day and push Cinco de mayo the people of GM are idiots end of story.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is it the same scientists who predicted peak oil who now predict global warming?

I remember not so long ago,when scientists predicted peak oil,that world was running out oil.But it's not so,almost everyday there seem to new field founded,or new technology making oil and more plentiful,henceforth,the argument that we need a new source of fuel from fossil fall short,that is until global warming become fade of the day.
This come mind watching news the chinese news cable outlet on tension between China and Vietnam-how strange once communist brethren against the evil capitalist dog America-now fight each other over oil rights to feed the capitalist engine.
Today Hillshire was offer a hostile takeover by other food giant if there would take off table there take over of other food company.Hillshire is on spot for shareholder will like the all cash tender at 25% above market price.
Maybe food companies are good investments,often sell below value because there are dull and boring but sometimes boring is good!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published in the Record on how dishonest a headline was.

Got letter to the editor published in the Record(it use to be call the Bergen Record)on dishonest headline.On May 19 2004 the Record front page head was Christie courts Jewish donors.Not only was dishonest but offensive,in my letter they(the Record)left out two point made:one the headline had smell of nineteen thirties Berlin and if politicians spoke in front of Civil Right group they would never say that so and so pandered for Black vote.
I happen to be at the Champions of Jewish Values International awards gala and Christe was far from pandering to Jews unlike Rick Perry who also spoke there.
Now this is what in response to headline,but remember paper didn't published my point about smelling like Belrin or how wouldn't say same thing about politicans appear front of Civil Rights group.But these are words of my the paper did publish:"Your headline was in poor taste and untrue.I was at the Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala,and Governor Christie-surprisingly,in my mind-gave a most eloquent and lofty speech about American exceptionalism.
Unlike Texas Gov. Rick Perry,Christe didn't play to the crowd;indeed,he was reaching for something of higher value.Hence Christe looked very presidential.
A headline saying that"Perry courts Jewish donors" might have been appropiate.For Perry is very much the type of politician who knows what buttons to push to please the crowd.For example, unlike Christe Perry kept on bringing up Israel,and the crowd was eating out of his hand.I had the feeling that Perry was pitching for a donation from Sheldon Adelson,but that wasn't the case with Governor Christe.I think The Record owes Christie and the Jewish comunity an apology."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Got a letter to the editor published on 5/14/14 in the New York Post about how the Left is phony on human rights.

 On 5/14/14 the New York Post published my letter to editor.This is what I wrote,"Once again we see the march of the phonies and their selective outrage,this time about kidnapping schoolgirls in Nigeria.But do the country of Afganistan and the Taliban come to mind?
 Remember all the outrage about how the Taliban has treated women? Where has the outrage gone?
  Has it faded away with politcal correctness?
  Over time,the Taliban has been forgotten,America is blamed for the ills of Afganistan and our president cares little for human rights except when it becomes headline news.
   So the hashtag #bring Backourgirls has a hollow sound and people who use it have any souls and are seeking to feel good,though in reality,they care little about the girls."  

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't so holy

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't so holy but it did last from 962 to 1806 a long time and has reappeared as the EU? The last Roman emperor was in 476 than in 800 Charlemagne was crowned but did died with him his empire was divided with three sons.In 962 Otto was coronated Holy Roman Emperor.
Of course,the Catholic Church took over the bones of Roman Empire and curious the closer to Rome the more Catholic.Protestantism took root in North Country places like northern Germany,in part low countries like Holland and Scandinavia places far from Rome.People in North counties much said,what does Pope know about my life,he live in Rome with pomp and lives in world that realities life is beyond his understanding.
Of course, in England Henry wanted out of his marriage and Pope said no but even if that didn't happen I think England would broken away from Church because Rome was far away and England was becoming rich and important,hence,a powerful ruling class wanted to rule the roost.As people gain wealth the Church,Catholic that is lost inflance and power over them,indeed,Capitalism took alway monpoly power of the church.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

I got a letter to the editor published in the New York Post today about America's role in world and Nigeria.

I got a letter to the editor published in the in the New York Post today.Here is what I wrote,"A lot of people who are wringing their hands about how America should do something to free the girls in Nigeria are the same people who say America can't be world's policeman.
Well,if America isn't the world's policeman,then who? And if there is no policeman,then you get a situation like Nigeria where criminals rule the roost." 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Jim Grant says buy Gazprom what? Einhorn says short Athenahealth.

Jim Grant,the noted Gold Bug-well we all have shortcoming- says buy Gazprom what is he crazy or maybe crazy like a fox? Grant an interest guy,he's wrote two biography one on the legacy Wall Street tycoon and political power broker Bernard Baruch and Thomas Reed,better known as Czar Reed when he was Speaker of U.S House Representatives.
Anyway Grant says buy Gazprom and it reminds one of what Lord Rothchild once said,"when there is blood in street there is money to be made." Grant says yes Gazprom is ran  by thiefs,but still it mades lot of money the stock is selling 2.5 times earning.This remminds one of what was said about the old Soviet Union,comrade we must live in the richest country(the Soviet Union) in the world.Why do say that comrade? Because the politicans have been stealing money for yeas and there is still more money to steal."
Einhorn says short Athenahealt warning this is same guy that said short Gren Mountain Coffee when it was 20.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Death by theory.

Ken Burns who no doubt is left-wing conformist,so there is mindless about, never the less,he did fine documentary about the Civil War.One episode was death by theory.After Georgia seceded from Confederacy the President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis said,death by theory.For Confederacy was born out the theory of state's right,but Davis learn to his chagrin maybe you can't run a war without central authority,or if you like a centralize state.
The founders of the United States of America understood that without Federal Government the nation would fall apart and learn this the hard way.For Articles of Confederation(adopted in 15 Nov 1777) didn't work.You have Shay's Rebellion,a bunch of farmer try to take over government Massachusetts over debts own,also after the revolution make money was owed to British merchants by former Colonist.The merchants wanted to be paid and were putting pressure on the British government to sent another army to America and reconquer it.So founder knew they had to do something was they created the Constitution to form a national government.This why when people like Clive Bundy state the Constitution doesn't recognize the national government,well that's just plain stupid and showns Mr.Bundy is just ignorant on how American government works and on it's history because if we did what Bundy says is right we will have death by theory.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

America's problem with capitalism.

Believe or not,the great Capitalist country the United States of America these days seems to have a problem with capitalism,indeed,when heard government officials and their lapdogs in media blame the bad economy on the weather it remember one of old Soviet Union for that was favorite asuse for failures of the system.
Now Pfizer,born and breed in New York City,America's largest drug company is looking for way out.Why> Taxes,Pfizer has over 70 billion dollars oversea,if bring home it's taxed heavily so try to buy the drug company AstraZeneca and move there headquarters from New York City to London.Now think the new Mayor of New York would try do something so Pfizer wouldn't think of moving,however Mayor de Blasio who is socialist idiot, of course,New York City was built on capitalism.Alexander Hamilton must be turning over grave,for more than any other person he responsible for New York the great city it is by making first nation and the world's financial capital.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The American media treats women issues like a joke-upset that boys get more for allowance but silent on how Muslim treats women.

The American media(mostly made up of Left-wing air heads,except for Fox News which is made of Right-wing air heads)treats women issues like joke.Oh yes,the Today Show made big deal about boys getting more money for allowance,but real abuse of women that happen mostly in Muslim world the
America is silent.
Take the cowardly Brandels University,first offer an honorary degree to the Somalian who use to be a Muslim,become a member of the Dutch parliament,but had go into hiding because the liberal minded Muslim would kill her,her marry a great professor Neil Ferguson both teach at Harvard,but she still need protect from Muslim goons.Then under pressure Brandel took back invitation.
Then of course,in Iran Women are sentence to death for adultery,boy talk about your double standard,but the great double standard is what child gets more in allowance.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

David Einhorn says a bubble is coming to tech.

David Einhorn says bubble is coming to high tech.Of course,this same David Einhorn who shorted Green Mountain Coffee about 20 dollar a few years ago,today the stock is in 80's under a new name.Also Einhorn shorted the Mexican fast food place,a little upscale,and that stock took off and Einhorn admitted a mistake.
Heard the C.E.O of Norfolk Southern on Fox business news.He said more shipping traffic goes through Suez Canal today then the Panama Canal,which is expanding by won't finish until 2015.Big manufacturing increase in Vietnam and Malaysia,Mexico too and if fracking oil and gas big new energy resources for North America manufacturing will gain strength the steel industry is rebound in the U.S, tubing for energy industry Ohio has seen a rebirth of Steel industry.
Great line from Senator John McCain(the man that should been President) he said Russian is gas station masquerading as country.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Europe the new Japan?

Europe the new Japan? Japan once the China of it's day were the future laid,but last twenty years or so the Japanese has been doldrums.Now Europe's economy has been flat for many years too,although lately the U.K has shown promise with lower unemployment and inflation and of course Germany is alway strong.Both Europe and Japan have problem with aging population.Both are very dependent on Export,hence,a weak currency serve their economic interest.That is why Japanese stock market did well last lower interest rates leading to weak currency.Europe is likely follow with lowering interest and hoping the Euro drops against the dollar and FED buys less bond.Counties that hurt because FED policy mostly likely Turkey and South Africa and maybe Brazil,India and surprisely Peru look ok sound.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Is Mr.Selfridge a socialist?

Is Mr.Selfridge a socialist? I was listening on radio to sport show Mike & Mike and they had in the Jeremy Piven,who plays Mr.Selfridge.He said in the U.K the show is on air on ITT network but America it's people's network meaning P.B.S. Well if mean people support network by donations that' one by if meant that it's government network then he's socialist.Because Socialists believe when the government owns something the people,however,the government and people aren't the same.For most of time,when government owns asset the people receive nothing,no dividend,they can't sell share in government owned corporation(assuming the government owns %100).No government ownership means often an elite ran the show.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

A letter to editor I got published in the New York Post about despicable Al Sharpton.

This letter to editor I wrote,which pubished in New York Post on 4/11/14.This is what I wrote,"The Rev.Al Sharpton is like a cat with nine lives.
How does one explain this rather loathsome creature surviving,indeed,thriving after the Crown Heights riots,Freddie's Fashion Mart and the Tawana Brawley case,when his true colors were shown? He cares little for justice and doesn't believe in peace.
If most of us did the same deeds as the reverend,we've be behind bars today."  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wilbur Ross said 2016 to 2020 good years for bankrupcy.

Wilbur Ross,a smart guy great investor,know for turnarounds,picking dogs and making them bark.He looks for distress asset,on Fox Business News ask it's tough to find distress assets today.He said,until 2016 and all the way to 2020 then much debt comes due for companies.
On Bloomberg T.V today the chief economist for IMF was interviewed.Said something interest about Japan,said Japan is using fiscal policy and export to boost economy,however,that will only take you so far consumption must go up,curious because Japan has just raise it's V.A.T Tax from 5% to 8%.
Turkey and Indonesia could problem child for world economy.Russian growth may be less than one percent,Putin looked East and now people will pay the price.China may not reach 7% growth and people don;t trust there numbers anyway.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Crimean War

Of course,these are trying days, Crimea is much in the news.Russian is having it's way,as bullies do,and the peninsula is now Russian hands,bloody hands,unclean hands,but Putin has won.
Of course,a long time ago there was Crimean War,a bloody affair due to decaying Ottoman Empire(the Eastern Question) control over holy land(Russia had the guardship of the holy places.In 1852 France secured from Sultan Abdu-l-Medid certain privileges for Latin churches.Russian try to deal,under cut the deal with France,but Turkish government but under influence of British would have none of it.So in 1853 Russian occupyed  Moldava and Walachia, Turkey declared war.In March of 1854 with fleets already in Black Sea both England and France declared war on Russian.When Austria enter the war on Turkey's side the Russian evacuated Moldava and Waldava.The British capture Sevastopol but at a very high price (the charge of the light brigade)Russians as Brits were brave and foolish and at the end of day Russian lost,losing it's influence in South East Europe.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Felix Rohatyn the man that would be king perhaps got rid of one.

Felix Rohatyn probably forgotten by most,but in nineteen seventies he was mover and shaker,many said his man that save New York City from bankruptcy and less was he major player in biggest scandal of twenty century,the scandal that make Richard Nixon leave the Presidency.And alway struck me very strange that Left-wing Jew(many of that type hated Nixon)like Rohatyn,so how did he grain entree into the Nixon Administration.Believe or not,it was William Casey(yes the William Casey who was head of C.I.A in the Reagan Administration and of course Iran-Contra scandal)who introduce Rohatyn to Nixon.Of course,work in security industry,Rohatyn as investment banker at Lazard Freres (Lazard)and Casey as a lawyer and despite their differences in politics,the Jewish Democrat and the Catholic Republican became good friends-hey this is America.So when Nixon appointed Casey as Chairman of the SEC Rohatyn was invited to swearing ceremony and that's where he meet Nixon for first time.
At that time 1968 the stock market was in crises,one largest brokerages houses F.I DuPont,Glore Forgan & Co was going under.Rohatyn was appointed chairman of the Crisis Committee by the New York Stock Exchange.When Rohatyn meet Nixon,the President said to him I heard a lot good things about you.But Rohatyn told Nixon the problems at the Exchange were far from over.Nixon told Rohatyn to call John Mitchell(the A.G) every night to inform of situation.Rohatyn would call every night and invariably Marha(John's wife)would answer the phone roaring drunk.
So how did Rohatyn get involve with Watergate? ITT,Rohatyn was on board of directors for ITT because Lazard was biggest shareholder of ITT.Watergate started because antitrust suit against ITT.The deal was that suit would drop if ITT underwrote much of Republican Convention in 1972 and it was to be held in San Diego,but as scandal it would be moved to Miami.The problem was Richard McLaren,a hard noise who wouldn't go alone with deal he was head of anti-trust dept in justice dept.Nixon got rid him by making him a federal judge,believe or not,this was done by good office of Lawrence Wash(yes same person who later would become the special prosector for Iran-Contra,
It's curious thing,when Rohatyn was appointed chairman MAC,to save NYC from bankruptcy nobody raise questions about role in Watergate.And when one things of his politics nobody wonders whether or not,he was mastermind of coup?